
> Debian's rclone package is missing the storj backend. I assume that is
> due to this patch:
> What is the reason for this? Does it have to do with unpackaged
> dependencies? 

This is because the storj.io/uplink dependency is not available in Debian, as 
well as its
- github.com/jtolio/eventkit
- storj.io/eventkit
- github.com/elek/bubbles
- github.com/spacemonkeygo/monkit
- storj.io/picobuf
- storj.io/common
- storj.io/drpc
- github.com/twitchtv/twirp
- storj.io/infectious

> Is this documented somewhere? 

Usually the patch should be enough. (IMO this should warrant a NEWS entry.)

> I assume that this is related to this bug:
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=983445

Several backends have been disabled in rclone due to their dependencies not 
being available in

FYI, unless someone backports rclone (or somehow gets it into a Bookworm point 
release), then you'll
have to wait until the next release of Debian for any backends to be reenabled.

Kind regards,

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