
Since my last message, I have tried to reproduce this in several ways, e.g. an sbuild chroot in both qemu-user-static and on actual hardware (Raspberry Pi 2), and also a direct build on an armhf VM. It always builds successfully. Since then, there has been a new upstream release of xmrig, so I figured I would just upload and see if it still fails buildd. On the buildd log, it indeed fails with the same maes error.

This means xmrig thinks it's building on x86 and adds those flags, but this doesn't happen on arm64; only on armhf, only after the t64 transition. It also doesn't happen on any of my systems but does on buildd and apparently your system. I guess I'll request guest access to an armhf porterbox and hope FTBFS happens there so I can debug this.

Ben Westover

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