
> 2024年4月7日 17:23,Paul Gevers <elb...@debian.org> 写道:
> Dear maintainer(s),
> Your package has an autopkgtest, great. I recently added support for 
> isolation-machine tests on ci.debian.net for amd64 and added your package to 
> the list to use that. However, it fails because the zfs-test-suite test times 
> out after 2:47h (it seems to hang by the looks of the log). Can you please 
> investigate the situation and fix it? I copied some of the output at the 
> bottom of this report.

Thanks for your work! I have long waited for the isolation-machine tag to be 

> The release team has announced [1] that failing autopkgtest on amd64 and 
> arm64 are considered RC in testing, but because machine-isolation support by 
> ci.debian.net is new I have not marked this bug as serious (yet).
> Because the test doesn't fail, but tmpfails (might be a bug in autopkgtest), 
> I've reverted the preferred backend for zfs-linux back to lxc until this bug 
> is closed.

I am not yet able to reproduce the hang on my local testing environment.
Could you please provide more detailed information on the test settings on 
E.g., CPU type, #cores, memory size, etc.

Shengqi Chen

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