Hello Remus-Gabriel.

I would like to know how to incorporate the Romanian translation file into the Mumble 1.5.517 package.

Is it as simple as renaming the mumble_debconf_ro.po file to ro.po and moving it to debian/po/ro.po ?

It has been some time since I've dealt with translation files and I'm trying to figure out if there's something special necessary to do with the translation file for the packaging.

   -- Chris

Chris Knadle

On 4/5/23 19:18, Remus-Gabriel Chelu wrote:
3 aprilie 2023 la 07:44, "Chris Knadle" <chris.kna...@coredump.us> a scris:
Hello, Chris!

I just finished checking the status of the debconf-mumble translation file (in
Romanian) with the following commands:

$: git clone https://salsa.debian.org/pkg-voip-team/mumble
$: cp -v ../Documente/mumble_debconf_ro.po mumble/debian/po/ro.po
$: LANG=en msgfmt -c -v -o /dev/null mumble/debian/po/ro.po
8 translated messages.


#: cd mumble/
#: podebconf-display-po -fdialog debian/po/ro.po

with good results; exactly as expected.

So, from my side, considering the results of the test performed, the "ro.po" 
can be added to mumble 1.5.517 without any problems.

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