Gianfranco Costamagna <> writes:

> yes, but the library was renamed in librnd4t64, so either you need to
> depend on the new one, or drop it, to let the auto decrufter finish
> the time64_t transition and decruft it.

Ah, thank you, that's a useful observation.  Since the relevant version
hasn't made it into testing with the changed library names yet, the
easiest course of action is indeed to just drop this dependency, as any
version of librnd4t64 that's ever in testing will be "new enough" to
meet the new sch-rnd requirement.

> Depending on NBS packages is RC critical.

FWIW, I had to look up what "NBS" means in this context.  A new acronym
to me despite being part of Debian since 1994...


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