On 13/04/2024 00:10, наб wrote:
Package: coreutils
Version: 9.1-1
Version: 9.4-3
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

When trying to decypher -t behaviour for #1068891,
the second empty-string semantic I tried was **(argv + optind),
but that wasn't it. But what /is/ it is -t '\0'; i.e. given
        $ cat f1
        row1    f1      1
        urow1   f1      2
        $ cat f2
        row1    f2      1
        urow2   f2      2
        $ join <(tr '\t' '\0' < f1) <(tr '\t' '\0' < f2) -t '\0' | cat -A
which is great, but the manual doesn't mention this at all.

This is mentioned in the full documentation referenced from the manual

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