Package: squid
Version: 2.5.12-1
Severity: normal

By accident, I specified the redirect_program option twice, with the
same value.

As a result, squid would quit after starting:

2006/06/03 13:43:49| helperHandleRead: unexpected read from redirector #1, 300 
2006/06/03 13:43:49| helperHandleRead: unexpected read from redirector #2, 300 
2006/06/03 13:43:49| helperHandleRead: unexpected read from redirector #3, 300 
2006/06/03 13:43:49| helperHandleRead: unexpected read from redirector #4, 300 
2006/06/03 13:43:49| helperHandleRead: unexpected read from redirector #5, 300 
2006/06/03 13:43:49| WARNING: redirector #1 (FD 8) exited
2006/06/03 13:43:49| WARNING: redirector #2 (FD 9) exited
2006/06/03 13:43:49| WARNING: redirector #3 (FD 10) exited
2006/06/03 13:43:49| Too few redirector processes are running
FATAL: The redirector helpers are crashing too rapidly, need help!

Please do not send copies of list mail to me; I read the list!
 .''`.     martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :    proud Debian developer and author:
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system

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