On 4/20/24 15:59, Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues wrote:
Quoting Milan Kupcevic (2024-04-20 21:46:14)
On 4/20/24 15:05, Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues wrote: [...]
Quoting Milan Kupcevic (2024-04-20 20:50:27)
This package builds just fine either on or off an island. The "pre-built
artifacts" is actually the build support provided by the upstream for their
official release package. It is nice to rebuild the build support, but is not
required nor always desired.

what is your reasoning to not rebuild them and to instead use the pre-built
artifacts from the release package?

Would anything break?

Stunt lines injected in the building scripts would be very undesirable.

How about using the upstream git instead of the release tarball as the base for
the packaging?

I would rather stick with the official release tarballs as they get signed with the upstream developer's key.


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