Ok, that's reasonable.

Re: content-negotation: the www FAQ[1] makes me think that, at least currently,
it's not worth attempting anything more advanced than language negotiation.

Re: file suffixes: after re-reading the Sphinx code and experimenting with a
few builds: I'm convinced that the html_file_suffix setting does _not_ help.

I couldn't think of a better near-term alternative than using the cron script
to adjust the searchindex.js src attribute, similar to the HTML hrefs.  I don't
really like that, though.

And finally, re: other Sphinx-built documentation, I noticed some JavaScript
errors for the language chooser in the online HTML developers-reference[2], so
I've opened a merge request[3] related to that.  It's not directly related here,
but I'm mentioning it because the documentation projects share some

[1] - https://www.debian.org/devel/website/desc.en.html#faq

[2] - https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/

[3] - https://salsa.debian.org/debian/developers-reference/-/merge_requests/48

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