Hello Martin,
Am Fri, May 10, 2024 at 06:55:38PM +0200 schrieb Martin Quinson:
> tag 1036826 fixed-upstream
> thanks
> Hello Helge,
> I think I fixed this bug upstream, and it will be part of the next release,
> later this month. I did not implement a full support for \c since it's
> difficult in the current code base, but at least the groff.1 page proceeds. 

This is very good news. Thank you very much!

> If you have other failures from other pages, please tell me so that I can 
> check
> whether my fix is enough even before the release.

I can do so tomorrow afternoon, if this has time until then (I have
limited access atm). 

> Thanks for your help and patience,

The thanks is on my side!



      Dr. Helge Kreutzmann                     deb...@helgefjell.de
           Dipl.-Phys.                   http://www.helgefjell.de/debian.php
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