On Sun, May 12, 2024 at 02:34:15PM +0200, Preuße, Hilmar wrote:
> On 11.05.2024 09:08, Tobias Frost wrote:
> Hi,
> > Please also announce the NMU / RFS to the package maintainer,
> > preferable as bug reported against it. Thanks!
> > 
> The package is flagged as LowNMU [1], which says:
> "You don't need to contact the maintainers beforehand, and you don't need to
> use a delayed upload queue. If the package maintainer or maintainer group is
> active, it is polite to let them have a stab at fixing the problem first."
> Given the fact that the last upload was 3.5 years ago I'd assume that the
> maintainers group is non-active. Hence I did not inform them.

LowNMU just says you can upload into DELAYED/0, or directly, but not
that communication is not needed beforehand. It explictly says [1]: "at any
time, as long as the NMU procedure in the Debian Developer's Reference
is otherwise followed" 
The Developers Reference [2] explictly says:
"Have you clearly expressed your intention to NMU, at least in the BTS?
If that didn't generate any feedback, it might also be a good idea to
try to contact the maintainer by other means (email to the maintainer
addresses or private email, IRC).

So, no, announcing the NMU is not optional, it is the bare minimum.

[1] https://wiki.debian.org/LowThresholdNmu

> Hilmar
> [1] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/nq
> -- 
> -- 
> sigfault


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