On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 04:19:53PM +1200, Olly Betts wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 01, 2016 at 11:15:28PM +0300, Sami Liedes wrote:
> > apt upgrade lists some packages as new packages that will be
> > installed, but at the same time lists those packages as "automatically
> > installed and no longer required".
> [...]
> > Note that all of the NEW packages that will be installed are also in
> > the autoremoveable list (contrary to what apt says, those packages are
> > not yet installed).
> I'm seeing what appears to be the same problem, so this bug still seems
> to be present:

Possible, although its hard to say as the reason is hard to pin point
from the provided output alone. As an example, the just released 2.9.3
actually includes a fix which has the same output – but I doubt its the
same issue as I couldn't spot an offending Recommends so far:

I don't see too much that screams at me, although that all of them are
t64 might be related to Provides shenanigans. As hinted in the commit
message, its sadly not as easy as just not installing them all if they
are new, so this code is a bunch of rarely fully engaged guess work.

> If there's stuff I can usefully prod to help debug what's causing this
> please let me know.

It would help if you could share `/var/lib/dpkg/status` and
`/var/lib/apt/extended_states` – both together resemble your exact
system state, so if you don't want to share them publicly, you could
sent them to me privately.

Ideally you also run `apt upgrade -s -o dir::log::solver=/tmp/solver.edsp.xz`
and keep the resulting /tmp/solver.edsp.xz file for now. This one
includes the two former files as well as info about all packages
available to you at this moment in case this is repository state
dependent which it might be… but its a big file even compressed and
a bit unwieldy to deal with in autoremove-debugging, so I hope not.

Best regards

David Kalnischkies

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