On Monday, 20 May 2024 21:07:49 CEST Salvatore Bonaccorso wrote:
> - I did read you cannot trigger with 5.15. If you build 6.1.90 from
>   upstream without Debian patches I assume you can trigger the issue
>   likewise? If so could you bisect the changes introducing the issue?

If the test with the upstream 6.1.90 version also has this problem, there's 
another (series of) test(s) worth doing, which could shorten the bisect 
operation significantly.

I got the impression that you have only tried it with version 6.1.90.
Have you tried it with earlier versions in the 6.1 series to see if the issue 
is present there? 

Via https://snapshot.debian.org/package/linux-signed-arm64/ you can find 
earlier versions from the 6.1 series already compiled and packaged.
To take version 6.1.52 as (random) example:
- click on the ``6.1.52+1`` link
- In the ``Binary packages`` list, click on the linux-image-6.1.0-X-arm64 
link, where 'X' is 12 in this case
- Click the ``linux-image-6.1.0-12-arm64_6.1.52-1_arm64.deb`` link to download 
the deb file which you can then install as root or with sudo by executing
``apt install ./linux-image-<version-info>_arm64.deb``

If the problem does NOT occur with 6.1.52-1, then you try a higher version. 
Continue that process until you've found the latest version that works and the 
earliest version where it stopped working.

If the problem also occurs with 6.1.52-1, then you try an (even) older 

This is to test whether it was a regression *within* the 6.1 series and if so, 
to get the narrowest range without having to compile yourself.


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