On Wed, 07 Dec 2011 09:39:55 -0800 andrew bezella <and...@diatribes.org> wrote:
> Package: logcheck-database
> Version: 1.3.13
> Severity: minor
> in most cases whitespace is allowed in SERVICE names, but for the
> SERVICE FLAPPING ALERT it is not.  using the cases where
> whitespace is allowed as a template, i made the following change:

Is there still a need for this rule in 2024, and is there still
interest in adding it to logcheck?

The proposed change was to add

^\w{3} [ :[:digit:]]{11} [._[:alnum:]-]+ nagios(2|3)?: SERVICE
FLAPPING ALERT: [._[:alnum:]-]+;[^;]+;(STARTED|STOPPED); Service
appears to have (started|stopped) flapping \([[:digit:].]+% change
(<|>=?) [.[:digit:]]+% threshold\)$

however, i think this needs an update:
- missing a pid
- the package is nagios4 now, so presumably the "(2|3)?" needs amending

If an updated rule is provided we can consider adding it, but i
suspect we may end up closing this bug

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