Package: xserver-xorg-video-intel
Version: 2:2.99.917+git20210115-1

When I was using different GNU/Linux distros (Trisquel, puppy linux, etc.) it has never happened to me. But now, with Debian, I often see red screens on Brave homepage (not "Brave search"), Elisa, Duckduckgo AI Chat website, some of Debian popup, Discover, KDE Settings, grey screen around the search bar of Duckduckgo, red color around a youtube video etc. that suggest that I have graphic problems but not depending by me and my pc.
Can anyone explain how I can fix this problem?
Considering that I have had no such problems on kde and lxqt with other distributions, I think it is a problem that can be fixed and it is not up to my pc but Debian itself. Also I don't think it's a ram problem, because with 4GB of swap memory I can have 1GB of ram free.

I opened a thread in this forum ( and someone helped me to do some step to see if it was possible to fix this problem but failing. What they told me to do with no success is:

- trying to re-install mesa drivers and intel driver ones

- changing themes of LXQT and Desktop Environment (I tried XFCE, MATE, LXQT, IceWM, KDE x11 and KDE Wayland)

- uninstalling xserver-xorg-video-intel of Debian 12 and installing just xserver-xorg-video-vesa but after the GRUB interface it won't login and I had a black screen with a flashing dash so I re-installed xserver-xorg-video-intel of Debian 12 from the recovery mode and logged again.

- forcing to use modesetting without using "glamor" (because my graphic card is not compatible) doing: "sudoedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf" and putting inside one of these 2 options:

1. Section "Device"
        Identifier "Intel Graphics"
        Driver      "modesetting"
        Option      "AccelMethod"    "none"

2.  Section "Device"
        Identifier "Intel Graphics"
        Driver      "vesa"

When I typed the first option (modesetting one) at the reboot the computer's performance drastically deteriorated to the point that no applications would open on kde, not even the "start" menu.
To turn off the computer I had to press the physical button.

When I typed the second option (vesa one) at the reboot I had, before the login, a black screen with this row: "[FAILED] Failed to start lightdm.service - Light Display Manager."

- Modifying sources.list to put Debian 11 repos in order to install the old xserver-xorg-video-intel driver. I removed from the synaptic: xserver-xorg-video-intel of Debian 12 and xserver-xorg-core of Debian 12. Then I did a sudo apt update, and "sudo apt install -t bullseye xserver-xorg-video-intel xserver-xorg-core". This procedure removed xcvt too. At the reboot I could see the login interface but my keyboard was off, my mouse was on but couldn't move and the input box was lightning but then freezed itself and I think all my pc. So from the recovery mode I installed xserver-xorg-input-all of Debian 12 with: "sudo apt install xserver-xorg-input-all" and I was in able to login from the past login interface at the reboot.
But the red and grey screen continued to be there.

Waiting for your updates and I'm here for all of your doubts about! 🙂

Please if you want other details visit the thread of the forum too because it is difficult to me tell you everything in details and in a summary. (

My PC specifications according to neofetch are:/

/OS: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) x86_64 /

/Host: NQ834AA-ABZ CQ2100IT IT920 03l0411RE101HPQ 00 /

/Kernel: 6.1.0-21-amd64 /

/Uptime: 1 hour, 22 mins /

/Packages: 2784 (dpkg) /

/Shell: bash 5.2.15 /

/Resolution: 1280x1024 /

/DE: Plasma 5.27.5 /

/WM: KWin /

/Theme: [Plasma], Adwaita [GTK2/3] /

/Icons: [Plasma], Adwaita [GTK2], breeze-dark [GTK3] /

/Terminal: konsole /

/CPU: Intel Atom 230 (2) @ 1.596GHz /

/GPU: Intel 82945G/GZ /

/Memory: 1374MiB / 1958MiB /

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