Hey Daniel,

I did a spring cleaning in upstream debian packaging (distro/pkg/deb),
merging -core and -manager into knot-resolver6, porting most of your
debian/experimental patches, and removing many lintian warnings.

This was done in upstream MRs now merged into `master` branch (which is now
v6, `master-5` is for v5). For your convenience, here's a link to upstream
debian dir distro/pkg/deb:


The upstream package was renamed to knot-resolver6 in order to prevent
unwanted upgrades as there is sadly no upgrade path from v5 to v6.

Users were already complaining about such issues with shared v5 & v6 upstream
repos and the situation will be equivalent on bookworm -> trixie update so
I suggest using that (knot-resolver6) in Debian packaging as well. Debian in
particual is expected not to break working systems on upgrade and I don't see
a way to ensure that without knot-resolver6 rename.

Remaining issues:

* debian: adduser -> useradd patch doesn't create knot-resolver group as it 
* debian: package should be renamed to knot-resolver6 (?)
* debian: python modules must be properly installed (see upstream d/rules)
* upstream: meson / ninja is invoked manually as opposed to dh_auto_* because
  I don't know how to properly refernce meson build dir

I did what I could with the upstream packaging, so now it's your turn with
debian/experimental, Daniel, if you have the time :)

Feel free to sync what you think is good, do the knot-resolver6 rename (or
not, I'm still not 100 % decided there), properly use dh_auto_* (if you know
how to reference meson builddir in d/rules) or whatever you see fit.

After that I'll go one more round of upstream <-> debian sync, hunt some more
lintian warnings, and finally release the debian/experimental package.


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