ke 12. kesäk. 2024 klo 7.20 Martin-Éric Racine
( kirjoitti:
> ti 11. kesäk. 2024 klo 23.21 Paul Gevers ( kirjoitti:
> >
> > Source: dhcpcd
> > Version: 1:10.0.8-1
> > Severity: serious
> > User:
> > Usertags: flaky
> >
> > Dear maintainer(s),
> >
> > I looked at the results of the autopkgtest of your package because it
> > was tested for glibc. I noticed that it regularly fails.
> >
> > Because the unstable-to-testing migration software now blocks on
> > regressions in testing, flaky tests, i.e. tests that flip between
> > passing and failing without changes to the list of installed packages,
> > are causing people unrelated to your package to spend time on these
> > tests.
> >
> > Don't hesitate to reach out if you need help and some more information
> > from our infrastructure.
> This is a non-bug.  This package has only one test and it requires an
> isolation machine. amd64 is the only architecture that provides it.
> Other architectures will always be marked flakey. Additionally,
> looking at the tracker for this package, amd64 always passes.

This being said, if you can spot what makes it randomly fails, please
do send me a patch.


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