
thank you for taking a look into plasma-settings and spending the time to analyse the situation so deeply.

As for all issues related to Qt5/KF5/Plasma5, we are unlikely to get any support by upstream developers, as their workforce is limited and focused on Plasma6.

On Debian side, the Debian Qt/KDE team has been working a lot in last months to package the stack needed to get Plasma6 into the archive. As far as I see, up-to-date situation has Qt6.6 in sid, hopefully transitioning soon to trixie, while KF6 is being prepared in experimental. After KF6 is uploaded to sid, it should be possible to package new version of plasma-settings.

As you pointed out, the root of this issue could be either in plasma-settings, either in plasma-mobile. For the latter to be packaged in its 6.x version, it will also take plasma-workspace and similar packages to be prepared by the Qt/KDE team. Hopefully a matter of few months...

To summarize, I suggest to get back to this analysis when we have both plasma-settings and plasma-mobile in their up-to-date releases in Debian. It's likely that the issue is not there anymore in new releases, as Plasma6 was a major rewrite and they addressed a lot of issues in the meanwhile...

Kind regards


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