Folks, I will be shortly submitting an updated tomboy-ng to debian and will close this bug at that time. So, better explain my position.

The 'bug' is not really fixable from my end I am afraid. Firstly, it only shows up under Wayland and even then can be worked around with either an environment variable or command line switch which tells the Qt5 framework to avoid Wayland.

The default install of tomboy-ng installs a desktop file that ensure tomboy-ng uses xcb and if used that way, the problem does not show up. So, starting through the menu system, no problem.

If you start tomboy-ng from the command line, without either the necessary env var set or a switch (-platform xcb) you will experience the noted problem and several others.  I hope that at some stage, Wayland will work somewhat better.

Further information is available on the tomboy-ng wiki, Bugs and Know Issues page -

Thanks for your report.


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