Hi Alan,

Thanks for making another update of the package. Your effort and contribution to
Debian is very much welcomed.


1. Build: OK

2. Lintian: OK - See Additional: A

3. Licenses check: OK

4. Build Twice (sudo pbuilder build --twice <package>.dsc): OK

5. Install (No previous installs): OK

6. Upgrade (Over previous installs if any): N/A



As you stated below in previous message.

> W: hyprwayland-scanner: no-manual-page [usr/bin/hyprwayland-scanner]
I would like to defer this to a future update, when I understand the features
supported by the CLI tool a bit better.

Absolutely. You can evolve your package in your in your own time.


I believe this package is now ready for sponsorship/upload. Could a Debian
Developer (DD) with available free time, please review this package and upload
if you feel it is ready and appropriate for the distribution.




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