Hi Matthew,

Thanks for making another update of the package. Your effort and contribution to
Debian is very much welcomed.


1. Build: OK

2. Lintian: OK - See Additional: A

I: rumur: file-references-package-build-path [usr/include/rumur/location.hh]
N:   The listed file or maintainer script appears to reference the build path
N:   used to build the package as specified in the Build-Path field of the
N:   .buildinfo file.
N:   This is likely to cause the package to be unreproducible, but it may also
N:   indicate that the package will not work correctly outside of the
N:   maintainer's own system.
N:   Please note that this tag will not appear unless the .buildinfo file
N:   contains a Build-Path field. That field is optional. You may have to set
N:   DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=buildinfo=+path or use
N:   --buildinfo-option=--always-include-path with dpkg-buildpackage when
N:   building.
N:   Please refer to https://reproducible-builds.org/,
N:   https://wiki.debian.org/ReproducibleBuilds/BuildinfoFiles, and the
N:   dpkg-genbuildinfo(1) manual page for details.
N:   Visibility: info
N:   Show-Always: no
N:   Check: files/contents
I: rumur: file-references-package-build-path [usr/include/rumur/parser.yy.hh]

3. Licenses check: OK

4. Build Twice (sudo pbuilder build --twice <package>.dsc): OK

5. Install (No previous installs): OK

6. Upgrade (Over previous installs if any): OK


A. The lintian buildinfo information can be investigated at the maintainers
discretion and any action be taken if required.


I believe this package is now ready for sponsorship/upload. Could a Debian
Developer (DD) with available free time, please review this package and upload
if you feel it is ready and appropriate for the distribution.




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