Hi Daniel,

i prepared another candidate for the 0.4.6-1 release (

), hoping it ticks all the boxes and more:)

I made the PR upstream (https://github.com/ingydotnet/git-subrepo/pull/623) and
added 'Forwarded' fields with PR to all five patches. I hope that making a
separate commit for adding 'Forwarded' field to patches is ok.

The 'git-subrepo.d' subdir has been removed upon 'make install' and additional
Makefile adjustment done according to your suggestions.

Regarding internal test suite, things weren't that trivial, as the
implementation requires that the project is a git worktree. However debian
builds from a non-git tarball. I fixed that by git-initializing the project on
the fly, when needed as well as providing local git configuration for all repos
involved in tests. Another thing regarding tests was that they rely upon english
output, so tests failed in reprotest, when executed in a French environment for
example. By setting fixed locale during each test being run, it all went well.

I also went a step further regarding tests. Three test repos being used by
several tests were committed upstream as binary bare git repos, which i really
do not like. So i prepared a few scripts, which generate the same repos with the
same history upon each test suite startup.

best regards, Samo

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