Hello Debian Team,

I was trying to package docker-compose version 2.27.3. Looks like there are 
many go dependencies that needs to be added.
I am trying to follow the go.mod file for the dependencies: 

Currently I am trying to package the dependencies for docker-compose that are 
not available in Debian. I started with:

  *   golang-github-tilt-dev-fsnotify-dev
  *   golang-github-tonistiigi-vt100-dev

Will share the sources later today.

Also, will try to find out what other go dependencies needs to be packaged.

I would highly appreciate, if you provide information on the following:

  *   What process should we follow to add a new go dependencies in Debian.
  *   If any one working on packaging the go dependencies for docker-compose, 
let us know which package you are working, so our work doesn't coincide.

Thanks & Regards,

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