On Wed, 17 Jul 2024 18:43:24 +0200 Steffen Weinhart <stw...@blue-cable.de> 
So the solution (or workaround) is to lower the nofile hard limit.
Just reduced it to 8192:8192 for ktorrent (and kate as well), and suddenly it works again.

But should this be the final solution? Does kioslave really need to (try to) close that number of fds? Are they even open?

if the limits are that high to cause closing them all take too much time,
maybe the patch should use the close_range call instead of individual close 

I found examples in kde [2] [3], which uses the close_range call.
Another one in [4] in salsa.

Kind regards,

[2] https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/kinit/-/merge_requests/15/diffs
[3] https://invent.kde.org/frameworks/kdesu/-/merge_requests/17/diffs
[4] https://salsa.debian.org/clint/fakeroot/-/merge_requests/30/diffs

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