Source: helpful-el
Version: 0.21-3
Severity: serious
Justification: FTBFS
Tags: trixie sid ftbfs
Usertags: ftbfs-20240727 ftbfs-trixie


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build
on amd64.

Relevant part (hopefully):
>  debian/rules binary
> dh binary --with elpa
>    dh_update_autotools_config
>    dh_autoreconf
>    dh_elpa_test
>       emacs -batch -Q -l package --eval "(add-to-list 'package-directory-list 
> \"/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa\")" --eval "(add-to-list 
> 'package-directory-list \"/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa-src\")" --eval 
> "(setq ert-batch-backtrace-right-margin nil)" -f package-initialize -L . -L 
> test --eval "(load-file \"test/test-helper.el\")" -l 
> test/helpful-unit-test.el --eval \(ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit\)
> Loading /<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/test/test-helper.el (source)...
> No Emacs source code found at "/<<PKGBUILDDIR>>/emacs-25.3/src", some tests 
> will be skipped. Run ./
> Running 91 tests (2024-07-28 03:12:47+0000, selector ‘t’)
>    passed   1/91  helpful--aliases (0.036527 sec)
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
>    passed   2/91  helpful--autoload-functions-with-advice (5.482399 sec)
>    passed   3/91  helpful--bound-p (0.000075 sec)
>    passed   4/91  helpful--callees (0.000081 sec)
>    passed   5/91  helpful--callees--closure (0.000054 sec)
>    passed   6/91  helpful--callees--cond (0.000082 sec)
>    passed   7/91  helpful--callees--condition-case (0.000068 sec)
>    passed   8/91  helpful--callees--funcall (0.000121 sec)
>    passed   9/91  helpful--callees--function (0.000058 sec)
>    passed  10/91  helpful--callees--lambda (0.000047 sec)
>    passed  11/91  helpful--callees-button--smoke (0.000363 sec)
>    passed  12/91  helpful--callees-let (0.000119 sec)
>    passed  13/91  helpful--canonical-symbol (0.000060 sec)
>    passed  14/91  helpful--convert-c-name (0.000087 sec)
>    passed  15/91  helpful--definition-buffer-opened (0.008013 sec)
>   skipped  16/91  helpful--definition-c-vars (0.000097 sec)
>    passed  17/91  helpful--definition-defstruct (0.008947 sec)
>    passed  18/91  helpful--definition-edebug-fn (0.001682 sec)
>    passed  19/91  helpful--definition-no-defvar (0.003173 sec)
>   skipped  20/91  helpful--definition-special-form (0.000100 sec)
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
>    passed  21/91  helpful--display-implementations (0.162209 sec)
>    passed  22/91  helpful--docstring (0.000075 sec)
>    passed  23/91  helpful--docstring-advice (0.000155 sec)
>    passed  24/91  helpful--docstring-keymap (0.001386 sec)
>    passed  25/91  helpful--docstring-keymap-newline (0.000258 sec)
>    passed  26/91  helpful--docstring-strings (0.000512 sec)
>    passed  27/91  helpful--docstring-symbol (0.001084 sec)
>    passed  28/91  helpful--docstring-unescape (0.001516 sec)
>    passed  29/91  helpful--edebug-fn (0.025952 sec)
>    passed  30/91  helpful--edebug-p (0.000050 sec)
> Test helpful--elc-only backtrace:
>   signal(file-error ("Can't find library" "/tmp/foo.el"))
>   find-library-name("/tmp/foo.el")
>   find-function-search-for-symbol(helpful-fn-in-elc nil "/tmp/foo.elc")
>   (cdr (find-function-search-for-symbol sym nil library-name))
>   (setq pos (cdr (find-function-search-for-symbol sym nil library-name)))
>   (save-restriction (widen) (setq pos (cdr (find-function-search-for-symbol 
> sym nil library-name))))
>   (save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (setq pos (cdr 
> (find-function-search-for-symbol sym nil library-name)))))
>   (save-current-buffer (set-buffer buf) (save-excursion (save-restriction 
> (widen) (setq pos (cdr (find-function-search-for-symbol sym nil 
> library-name))))))
>   (progn (let* ((--dash-source-13-- (helpful--open-if-needed src-path)) 
> (src-buf (car-safe (prog1 --dash-source-13-- (setq --dash-source-13-- (cdr 
> --dash-source-13--))))) (src-opened (car --dash-source-13--))) (setq buf 
> src-buf) (setq opened src-opened)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer buf) 
> (save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (setq pos (cdr 
> (find-function-search-for-symbol sym nil library-name)))))) (if (and buf (not 
> pos)) (progn (setq pos (helpful--find-by-macroexpanding buf sym t)))))
>   (if src-path (progn (let* ((--dash-source-13-- (helpful--open-if-needed 
> src-path)) (src-buf (car-safe (prog1 --dash-source-13-- (setq 
> --dash-source-13-- ...)))) (src-opened (car --dash-source-13--))) (setq buf 
> src-buf) (setq opened src-opened)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer buf) 
> (save-excursion (save-restriction (widen) (setq pos (cdr 
> (find-function-search-for-symbol sym nil library-name)))))) (if (and buf (not 
> pos)) (progn (setq pos (helpful--find-by-macroexpanding buf sym t))))))
>   (cond ((and (not (symbolp sym)) (functionp sym)) (list nil nil nil)) ((and 
> callable-p library-name) (if src-path (progn (let* ((--dash-source-13-- 
> (helpful--open-if-needed src-path)) (src-buf (car-safe ...)) (src-opened (car 
> --dash-source-13--))) (setq buf src-buf) (setq opened src-opened)) 
> (save-current-buffer (set-buffer buf) (save-excursion (save-restriction 
> (widen) (setq pos ...)))) (if (and buf (not pos)) (progn (setq pos 
> (helpful--find-by-macroexpanding buf sym t))))))) (callable-p (let 
> ((edebug-info (get sym 'edebug))) (if edebug-info (progn (let* ((marker ...)) 
> (setq buf (marker-buffer marker)) (setq pos (marker-position marker))))))) 
> ((and (not callable-p) src-path) (let* ((--dash-source-14-- 
> (helpful--open-if-needed src-path)) (src-buf (car-safe (prog1 
> --dash-source-14-- (setq --dash-source-14-- ...)))) (src-opened (car 
> --dash-source-14--))) (setq buf src-buf) (setq opened src-opened) 
> (save-current-buffer (set-buffer buf) (save-excursion (condition-case _err 
> (setq pos (cdr ...)) (search-failed nil) (error nil)))))))
>   (let ((primitive-p (helpful--primitive-p sym callable-p)) (library-name 
> nil) (src-path nil) (buf nil) (pos nil) (opened nil)) (progn (or (or 
> find-function-C-source-directory (not primitive-p)) (cl--assertion-failed 
> '(or find-function-C-source-directory (not primitive-p)))) nil) (if (symbolp 
> sym) (progn (if callable-p (setq library-name (cdr (find-function-library 
> sym))) (setq library-name (or (symbol-file sym 'defvar) (help-C-file-name sym 
> 'var)))))) (if library-name (progn (setq src-path (helpful--library-path 
> library-name)))) (cond ((and (not (symbolp sym)) (functionp sym)) (list nil 
> nil nil)) ((and callable-p library-name) (if src-path (progn (let* 
> ((--dash-source-13-- ...) (src-buf ...) (src-opened ...)) (setq buf src-buf) 
> (setq opened src-opened)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer buf) 
> (save-excursion (save-restriction ... ...))) (if (and buf (not pos)) (progn 
> (setq pos ...)))))) (callable-p (let ((edebug-info (get sym 'edebug))) (if 
> edebug-info (progn (let* (...) (setq buf ...) (setq pos ...)))))) ((and (not 
> callable-p) src-path) (let* ((--dash-source-14-- (helpful--open-if-needed 
> src-path)) (src-buf (car-safe (prog1 --dash-source-14-- ...))) (src-opened 
> (car --dash-source-14--))) (setq buf src-buf) (setq opened src-opened) 
> (save-current-buffer (set-buffer buf) (save-excursion (condition-case _err 
> (setq pos ...) (search-failed nil) (error nil))))))) (list buf pos opened))
>   helpful--definition(helpful-fn-in-elc t)
>   (if look-for-src (helpful--definition helpful--sym helpful--callable-p) 
> '(nil nil nil))
>   (let* ((val (if helpful--callable-p nil (helpful--sym-value helpful--sym 
> helpful--associated-buffer))) (inhibit-read-only t) (start-line 
> (line-number-at-pos)) (start-column (current-column)) (primitive-p 
> (helpful--primitive-p helpful--sym helpful--callable-p)) (canonical-sym 
> (helpful--canonical-symbol helpful--sym helpful--callable-p)) (look-for-src 
> (or (not primitive-p) find-function-C-source-directory)) (--dash-source-26-- 
> (if look-for-src (helpful--definition helpful--sym helpful--callable-p) 
> '...)) (buf (car-safe (prog1 --dash-source-26-- ...))) (pos (car-safe (prog1 
> --dash-source-26-- ...))) (opened (car --dash-source-26--)) (source (if 
> look-for-src (progn ...))) (source-path (if buf (progn ...))) (references 
> (helpful--calculate-references helpful--sym helpful--callable-p source-path)) 
> (aliases (helpful--aliases helpful--sym helpful--callable-p))) (erase-buffer) 
> (insert (helpful--summary helpful--sym helpful--callable-p buf pos)) (if 
> (helpful--obsolete-info helpful--sym helpful--callable-p) (progn (insert 
> "\n\n" (helpful--format-obsolete-info helpful--sym helpful--callable-p)))) 
> (if (and helpful--callable-p (not (helpful--kbd-macro-p helpful--sym))) 
> (progn (helpful--insert-section-break) (insert (helpful--heading "Signature") 
> (helpful--syntax-highlight ...)))) (if (not helpful--callable-p) (progn 
> (helpful--insert-section-break) (let* (... ...) (if helpful--first-display 
> ...) (insert ... ... "\n\n") (if ... ...) (if multiple-views-p ...) (if ... 
> ...) (if ... ...) (insert ...) (if ... ...)))) (let ((docstring 
> (helpful--docstring helpful--sym helpful--callable-p)) (version-info (if 
> helpful--callable-p nil ...))) (if (or docstring version-info) (progn 
> (helpful--insert-section-break) (insert ...) (if docstring ...) (if 
> version-info ...) (if ... ...) (if ... ...)))) (if (commandp helpful--sym) 
> (progn (helpful--insert-section-break) (insert (helpful--heading "Key 
> Bindings") (helpful--format-keys helpful--sym aliases)))) 
> (helpful--insert-section-break) (insert (helpful--heading "References") (let 
> ((src-button ...)) (cond (... ...) (... ...) (source-path ...) (... "C code 
> is not yet loaded.") (t "Could not find source file."))) "\n\n" 
> (helpful--make-references-button helpful--sym helpful--callable-p)) (if (and 
> helpful--callable-p (symbolp helpful--sym) source (not primitive-p)) (progn 
> (insert " " (helpful--make-callees-button helpful--sym source)))) (if 
> (helpful--advised-p helpful--sym) (progn (helpful--insert-section-break) 
> (insert (helpful--heading "Advice") (format "This %s is advised." ...)))) 
> (let ((can-edebug (helpful--can-edebug-p helpful--sym helpful--callable-p buf 
> pos)) (can-trace (and ... helpful--callable-p ...)) (can-disassemble (and 
> helpful--callable-p ...)) (can-forget (and ... ...))) (if (or can-edebug 
> can-trace can-disassemble can-forget) (progn (helpful--insert-section-break) 
> (insert ...))) (if can-edebug (progn (insert ...))) (if can-trace (progn (if 
> can-edebug ...) (insert ...))) (if (and (or can-edebug can-trace) (or 
> can-disassemble can-forget)) (progn (insert "\n"))) (if can-disassemble 
> (progn (insert ...))) (if can-forget (progn (if can-disassemble ...) (insert 
> ...)))) (if aliases (progn (helpful--insert-section-break) (insert 
> (helpful--heading "Aliases") (s-join "\n" ...)))) (if helpful--callable-p 
> (progn (helpful--insert-implementations))) (helpful--insert-section-break) 
> (if (or source-path primitive-p) (progn (insert (helpful--heading ...) (cond 
> ... ...)))) (if source (progn (insert (cond ... ... ...)))) 
> (helpful--insert-section-break) (let ((formatted-props 
> (helpful--format-properties helpful--sym))) (if formatted-props (progn 
> (insert ... formatted-props)))) (goto-char (point-min)) (forward-line (1- 
> start-line)) (forward-char start-column) (setq helpful--first-display nil) 
> (if opened (progn (kill-buffer buf))))
>   helpful-update()
>   (save-current-buffer (set-buffer buf) (helpful-update))
>   (let ((buf (helpful--buffer symbol callable-p))) (save-current-buffer 
> (set-buffer buf) (helpful-update)) (funcall helpful-switch-buffer-function 
> buf))
>   helpful--update-and-switch-buffer(helpful-fn-in-elc t)
>   helpful-function(helpful-fn-in-elc)
>   (let ((load-history (cons '("/tmp/foo.elc" (defun . helpful-fn-in-elc)) 
> load-history))) (helpful-function 'helpful-fn-in-elc))
>   (closure (t) nil (let ((load-history (cons '("/tmp/foo.elc" (defun . 
> helpful-fn-in-elc)) load-history))) (helpful-function 'helpful-fn-in-elc)))()
>   ert--run-test-internal(#s(ert--test-execution-info :test ... :result ... 
> :exit-continuation #f(compiled-function () #<bytecode 0xad0f17cd2cfc83>) 
> :next-debugger debug :ert-debug-on-error nil))
>   ert-run-test(#s(ert-test :name helpful--elc-only :documentation "Ensure we 
> hand..." :body ... :most-recent-result ... :expected-result-type :passed 
> :tags nil :file-name "/build/helpful..."))
>   ert-run-or-rerun-test(#s(ert--stats :selector t :tests ... :test-map 
> #<hash-table eql 91/91 0x1573b1dd8ced> :test-results ... :test-start-times 
> ... :test-end-times ... :passed-expected 28 :passed-unexpected 0 
> :failed-expected 0 :failed-unexpected 1 :skipped 2 :start-time ... :end-time 
> nil :aborted-p nil ...) #s(ert-test :name helpful--elc-only :documentation 
> "Ensure we hand..." :body ... :most-recent-result ... :expected-result-type 
> :passed :tags nil :file-name "/build/helpful...") #f(compiled-function 
> (event-type &rest event-args) #<bytecode -0x109bfa0eb0dcc04f>))
>   ert-run-tests(t #f(compiled-function (event-type &rest event-args) 
> #<bytecode -0x109bfa0eb0dcc04f>) nil)
>   ert-run-tests-batch(nil)
>   ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit()
>   command-line-1(("-l" "package" "--eval" "(add-to-list 
> 'package-directory-list \"/usr/share/e..." "--eval" "(add-to-list 
> 'package-directory-list \"/usr/share/e..." "--eval" "(setq 
> ert-batch-backtrace-right-margin nil)" "-f" "package-initialize" "-L" "." 
> "-L" "test" "--eval" "(load-file \"test/test-helper.el\")" "-l" 
> "test/helpful-unit-test.el" "--eval" "(ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit)"))
>   command-line()
>   normal-top-level()
> Test helpful--elc-only condition:
>     (file-error "Can't find library" "/tmp/foo.el")
>    FAILED  31/91  helpful--elc-only (0.002232 sec) at 
> test/helpful-unit-test.el:559
>    passed  32/91  helpful--format-docstring (0.000417 sec)
>    passed  33/91  helpful--format-docstring--bare-url (0.000339 sec)
>    passed  34/91  helpful--format-docstring--info (0.000600 sec)
>    passed  35/91  helpful--format-docstring--url (0.000162 sec)
>    passed  36/91  helpful--format-docstring-command-keys (0.000358 sec)
>    passed  37/91  helpful--format-docstring-escapes (0.000126 sec)
>    passed  38/91  helpful--format-docstring-mode-maps (0.002076 sec)
>    passed  39/91  helpful--format-keymap--keyboard-macros (0.000198 sec)
>    passed  40/91  helpful--format-reference (0.000325 sec)
>    passed  41/91  helpful--inhibit-read-only (0.017869 sec)
>    passed  42/91  helpful--interactively-defined-fn (0.030966 sec)
>    passed  43/91  helpful--keymap-keys (0.001765 sec)
>    passed  44/91  helpful--keymap-keys--anonymous-fns (0.000245 sec)
>    passed  45/91  helpful--keymap-keys--prefix (0.000144 sec)
>    passed  46/91  helpful--keymap-keys--sparse (0.000976 sec)
>    passed  47/91  helpful--keymap-keys--strings (0.000316 sec)
>    passed  48/91  helpful--keymaps-containing (0.266805 sec)
>    passed  49/91  helpful--keymaps-containing-aliases (0.104448 sec)
>    passed  50/91  helpful--kind-name (0.000105 sec)
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
>    passed  51/91  helpful--loads-autoload-symbol (0.149120 sec)
>    passed  52/91  helpful--merge-alists (0.000142 sec)
>    passed  53/91  helpful--no-docstring (0.000065 sec)
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
>    passed  54/91  helpful--no-symbol-properties (0.051962 sec)
>    passed  55/91  helpful--obsolete-function (0.000375 sec)
>    passed  56/91  helpful--obsolete-variable (0.000283 sec)
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
>    passed  57/91  helpful--original-value (0.064121 sec)
>    passed  58/91  helpful--outer-sexp (0.000190 sec)
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
>    passed  59/91  helpful--package-version (0.033418 sec)
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
>    passed  60/91  helpful--preserve-position (0.035993 sec)
>    passed  61/91  helpful--pretty-print (0.000153 sec)
>    passed  62/91  helpful--primitive-p (0.000068 sec)
>    passed  63/91  helpful--primitive-p--advised (0.000036 sec)
>    passed  64/91  helpful--signature (0.000076 sec)
>    passed  65/91  helpful--signature--advertised (0.001738 sec)
>    passed  66/91  helpful--signature-fn-with? (0.000058 sec)
>    passed  67/91  helpful--signature-space (0.002727 sec)
>    passed  68/91  helpful--source (0.003722 sec)
>    passed  69/91  helpful--source--interactively-defined-fn (0.000887 sec)
>    passed  70/91  helpful--source-autoloaded (0.003805 sec)
>    passed  71/91  helpful--split-first-line (0.000090 sec)
>    passed  72/91  helpful--summary--aliases (0.003076 sec)
>    passed  73/91  helpful--summary--fn-with-? (0.000135 sec)
>    passed  74/91  helpful--summary--interactive-fn (0.000148 sec)
>    passed  75/91  helpful--summary--special-form (0.000137 sec)
>    passed  76/91  helpful--summary--symbol-with-space (0.000109 sec)
>    passed  77/91  helpful--tree-any-p (0.000080 sec)
>    passed  78/91  helpful--unnamed-compiled-func (0.024467 sec)
>    passed  79/91  helpful--unnamed-func (0.025259 sec)
>    passed  80/91  helpful--unnamed-func-with-docstring (0.053772 sec)
>    passed  81/91  helpful--usage-docstring (0.000063 sec)
>    passed  82/91  helpful--variable-defined-at-point (0.000075 sec)
>    passed  83/91  helpful--without-advice (0.000047 sec)
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
>    passed  84/91  helpful-callable (0.612446 sec)
>   skipped  85/91  helpful-callable--with-C-source (0.000116 sec)
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
>    passed  86/91  helpful-function--single-buffer (0.113145 sec)
>    passed  87/91  helpful-symbol-c-style (0.045282 sec)
>    passed  88/91  helpful-symbol-unbound (0.000064 sec)
>    passed  89/91  helpful-update-after-killing-buf (0.066810 sec)
>    passed  90/91  helpful-variable (0.018220 sec)
> Searched 0/1 files
> Searched 1/1 files
>    passed  91/91  helpful-visit-reference (0.216092 sec)
> Ran 91 tests, 87 results as expected, 1 unexpected, 3 skipped (2024-07-28 
> 03:12:55+0000, 7.847692 sec)
> 1 unexpected results:
>    FAILED  helpful--elc-only
> 3 skipped results:
>   SKIPPED  helpful--definition-c-vars
>   SKIPPED  helpful--definition-special-form
>   SKIPPED  helpful-callable--with-C-source
> dh_elpa_test: error: emacs -batch -Q -l package --eval "(add-to-list 
> 'package-directory-list \"/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa\")" --eval 
> "(add-to-list 'package-directory-list 
> \"/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/elpa-src\")" --eval "(setq 
> ert-batch-backtrace-right-margin nil)" -f package-initialize -L . -L test 
> --eval "(load-file \"test/test-helper.el\")" -l test/helpful-unit-test.el 
> --eval \(ert-run-tests-batch-and-exit\) returned exit code 1
> make: *** [debian/rules:4: binary] Error 25

The full build log is available from:

All bugs filed during this archive rebuild are listed at:;

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at . You're welcome to contribute!

If you reassign this bug to another package, please mark it as 'affects'-ing
this package. See

If you fail to reproduce this, please provide a build log and diff it with mine
so that we can identify if something relevant changed in the meantime.

Reply via email to