Package: libjpeg-turbo-progs
Version: 1:2.1.5-3
Severity: normal

I noticed that `jpegtran -rotate` sometimes produces an image that does be
rotated as expected, but is also "shifted". I mean that in the output of
`-rotate 90` what should be the leftmost pixel column is the rightmost instead,
and all the other pixel columns are shifted to the left to make room for it.
Similarly, when rotating by 180 the top row is the bottom instead.  Since a
picture is worth a thousand words, see in the attachments `example_a-000.jpg`,
the original picture, and `example_a-{090,180}.jpg`, the rotated ones. Of
course the number is the rotation amount.

The behaviour seems to depend both on the rotation amount and the size of the
image being rotated, as rotating `example_a-000.jpg` by 270 doesn't trigger the
bug, and rotating a square image works well with 90, 180 and 270 values. It
looks unrelated to the content of the source image, as doing the same
transformations with different images of the same size yields the same result.
The same transformation on the same source image always produces the same

Please let me know if I can help further.



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