On August 2, 2024 10:56:36 AM GMT+02:00, Gianfranco Costamagna 
<locutusofb...@debian.org> wrote:
>control: tags -1 moreinfo
>> BTW what's the difference with wasi-libc package ?
>yeah, looks like the same idea and code, and yet another fork
>This branch is 289 commits ahead of, 138 commits behind 
>wasix looks a fork of wasi, but both are actively maintained
>Ximin and Fabian, since you maintain wasi-libc, I think we should hear your 
>opinion before moving with this RFS/ITP

wasi-libc is used by rustc to build the wasm-wasi targets (recently in another 
variant called preview2, so there is still work going on there as well), and as 
such is not replaceable by wasix-libc (and I am not aware of any plans to 
change that upstream, but I am not that involved in that ecosystem). the whole 
wasm ecosystem is full of forks and somewhat related, yet incompatible "specs". 
 Other than that, I am afraid I don't really have an opinion - but thanks for 
reaching out! :)

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