Hello kernel maintainers,

In [1], Bastian proposes that Matthias <doko> take over the
linux-libc-dev binary package, building it from one of the crossbuilding
source packages he maintains.  Different people have been reading
Bastian's e-mail differently as to whether it was a serious proposal for
how to resolve the dispute, or just a rhetorical device Bastian was
using to make a point.

In any case, doko is among those who took the offer seriously.

In two messages written today, Bastian appears to say both that he
is okay with resolving the dispute that way, and also that he is not.

I am writing seeking some clarity.  What is the team consensus on this?
Is this something you are happy to do, would consider doing, or is it
off the table?  That would help us see where we are.

Many thanks.

[1]  https://bugs.debian.org/1065416#108

Sean Whitton

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