Control: tags -1 + pending

El 14/08/24 a las 15:16, Justus Winter escribió:
> Dear maintainer,
> When the Rust bindings for libbz2 are built, the build framework tries
> to locate libz2 via pkg-config, but when that fails, a vendored copy of
> libbz2 is compiled and statically linked into the resulting artifact.
> This is unfortunate, because the Debian policy advises against using
> source copies.
> Sequoia, an implementation of OpenPGP, rely on the Rust bindings for
> libbz2.  There are two reasons for why I wish builds of Sequoia would
> use the distribution's libbz2 on Debian (like they do on Fedora, for
> example):
> First, compressed OpenPGP messages are usually first signed, then
> compressed, then encrypted.  So, when decrypting a message, it is fed to
> the decompression library before it is authenticated.  Therefore, we
> need to assume that attacker-controlled material is fed to the library,
> and as such it is of the utmost importance that libbz2 is secure and
> kept up-to-date.  Having a source copy of libbz2 makes it less likely
> that any security updates are applied to it.
> Second, statically linking in libbz2 increases the size of our binaries,
> and this has been held against us.
> Please ship a pkg-config definition for libbz2.

Thanks for the heads-up. I've added a pc file that will be part of the
next release (to be uploaded soon):


 -- Santiago

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