The quick and easy solution would be to rebuild dracut-install, but the 
release team refused to binNMU it (#1079038).

The stupid solution would be to revert the change, and I will not do it 
because I do not want to diverge from upstream.

The elegant solution would be to keep for a while both symbols in the 
library, but I am not good enough with ld(1) and could not actually 
manage to do it myself.

The nuclear solution would be to make a new upload with "Breaks: 
dracut-install (<= 103-1)", which at least would make libkmod2 not 
installable until somebody will be forced to do a new sourceful upload 
of dracut-install.

So I will wait for a while to see if anybody can help with #3, and if 
not then I will proceed with #4.


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