Control: retitle -1 docker-registry: FLAKY test: DriverSuite.TestDeleteOnlyDeletesSubpaths
Control: severity -1 important

Thanks for filing this report.

Looking at the test code in the build log indicates that the test fail because it failed to perform a write operation. Looking at past builds, it seems this very test has failed twice in the past as well, all because of files being absent when expected. This case fails for a slightly different reason "not a file".

The test itself uses a memory-backed storage driver which doesn't persist anything.

I've given back the build, and it succeeded on a retry. For this reason, I've downgraded the severity of this bug. This seems acceptable to me, because those build failures
don't happen very frequently, but I agree that they are very irritating.

Looking at the test code, I could imagine that this is actually caused by concurrent test executions where (potentially) different test execution are deleting files from the same "storage backend". I observe this test failure is not specific to armhf, but has failed also on longsoon. Both architectures have slower memory performance than arm64, amd64, etc. Is this making the race more likely? -- If this theory is correct, then avoiding concurrent test executions by adding -parallel to dh_test in debian/rules should avoid this problem, at the expense of longer build times.

I can see two ways how to proceed:
1. upgrade the package from 2.6.2 to a later upstream version 2.8.3
2. disable concurrent test executions.

I'd like to look at 1, first to rule out this hasn't been already fixed upstream. If not, we can try 2 and engage in a conversation with upstream to see if that
theory holds.


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