Hi Étienne,

Am Fri, Aug 23, 2024 at 10:11:51AM +0200 schrieb Étienne Mollier:
> While it certainly eases Perl modules maintenance to maintain
> them within the Debian Perl Team, this is by no means mandatory.
> The Debian Med Team does have a couple of perl modules under its
> umbrella as you know.  ;)

Sure I know.  However, this is for a reason and I did not found
any reason why DR::SunDown is not team maintained.
> > It was showing up since it has no Vcs URL
> > set and I would love to investigate for the reasons.  BTW, the package
> > has a popcon of zero votes.
> Out of curiosity, I had a look at DR::SunDown on CPAN[1], and
> noted Dmitry is also upstream of the module, which probably
> explains the specific maintenance.  I don't know how relevant
> SunDown is today; popcon value sure doesn't hint for a trendy
> package.  On the other hand the package hasn't direly needed
> maintenance to maintain itself in testing for more than ten
> years without uploads; by the way, it seems that it flown below
> Holger's radar when proceeding to mass rebuilds, and probably
> has no buildinfo file.
> [1]: https://metacpan.org/pod/DR::SunDown
> I don't know whether this needs a course of action.  Preserve
> the status quo and the module may last a few more years in the
> archive as long as dependencies do not cause breaking changes.
> Unless Dmitry has objections, the module could be maintained
> within the Perl Team, no problem; we have routines to take over
> packages in a couple of commands.  Otherwise, lack of upstream
> activity for the past ten years (both on libsundown and
> DR:SunDown fronts) and zero popcon could also hint that the
> package could be candidate for removal of the archive, but I
> lack enough context to tell for sure.

Thank you for your analysis.  I do not think that the package itself
*needs* action.  However, for the health of Debian[1] as well as my goal
to have packages on Salsa (if we really need the package) its better to
do something.  The Bug of the Day[2] initiative was started with the
goal in mind to move packages to Salsa which are not there for no good
reasons.  I think I've spotted such a package - thus my question here.

Kind regards
[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2024/08/msg00298.html
[2] https://salsa.debian.org/tille/tiny_qa_tools/-/wikis/Tiny-QA-tasks


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