On Fri, May 26, 2006 at 06:06:03PM +0200, Sebastian Dröge wrote:
> Am Freitag, den 26.05.2006, 17:46 +0200 schrieb Nicholas Crespi:
> > clicking on the play icon, banshee crashes with this error:
> > ERROR: Caught a segmentation fault while loading plugin file:
> > /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/libgstaudioresample.so
> Which version of liboil do you have?
> Am I right that you use a CPU with SSE instruction set?

I'm able to reproduce that bug on my laptop:

| $ cat /proc/cpuinfo | egrep 'name|flags'
| model name      : Intel(R) Pentium(R) M processor 1.50GHz
| flags           : fpu vme de pse tsc msr mce cx8 sep mtrr pge mca
|                   cmov pat clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss tm
|                   pbe est tm2

I've attached the output of oil-bugreport.

To actually debug the problem you need to get rid of that annoying
segtrap "feature". I haven't found any sane way to do this without
recompiling gstreamer.

I've attached a patch to the gstreamer sources that permanently
disables the feature (gst-diff). When the fixed gstreamer packages
are installed you can finally debug the problem with gdb:
| $ gdb /usr/lib/banshee/banshee.exe

When pressing play in banshee it segfaults at varying addresses,
however always at <liboil0.3 + 0x2101b>:

| Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
| 0xb47a401b in ?? ()

| (gdb) bt
| #0  0xb47a401b in ?? ()
| [... garbage ...]

The segfault also occurs when liboil is compiled with noopt, however
the problem is slightly different (and much dumber) then.

With optimization the segfault happens in
composite_in_argb_sse_2pix(), at the following code piece:

00020ff0 <composite_in_argb_sse_2pix>:                                          
   20ff0:   55                      push   %ebp                                 
   20ff1:   89 e5                   mov    %esp,%ebp                            
   20ff3:   57                      push   %edi                                 
   20ff4:   56                      push   %esi                                 
   20ff5:   53                      push   %ebx                                 
   20ff6:   83 ec 4c                sub    $0x4c,%esp                           
   20ff9:   8b 7d 14                mov    0x14(%ebp),%edi                      
   20ffc:   e8 54 05 ff ff          call   11555 <__i686.get_pc_thunk.bx>       
   21001:   81 c3 a3 91 02 00       add    $0x291a3,%ebx                        
   21007:   8b 75 10                mov    0x10(%ebp),%esi                      
   2100a:   83 ff 01                cmp    $0x1,%edi                            
   2100d:   0f 8e 9f 00 00 00       jle    210b2 
   21013:   66 0f 6f 83 4c 70 ff    movdqa 0xffff704c(%ebx),%xmm0               
   2101a:   ff                                                                  
   2101b:   66 0f 7f 45 c8          movdqa %xmm0,0xffffffc8(%ebp)    <==== SEGV 
   21020:   c7 45 e0 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,0xffffffe0(%ebp)                
   21027:   8b 45 0c                mov    0xc(%ebp),%eax                       
   2102a:   66 0f ef db             pxor   %xmm3,%xmm3                          
The function gets called by a rather long chain starting at oil_init
(via oil_optimize_all).

I guess it must be some alignment problem, however I don't know
enough of mmx and sse to fix this :-/. Also I haven't been able to
reproduce this problem outside of banshee, which would have
simplified debugging.

Any ideas what might be the cause of it? If you have any hints or
questions I'd be happy to help or try patches.

Christian Aichinger
OIL: INFO liboildebug.c 67: _oil_debug_init(): liboil-0.3.9 debug init
OIL: INFO liboilcpu.c 173: oil_cpu_fault_check_enable(): enabling SIGILL 
handler.  Make sure to continue past any SIGILL signals caught by gdb.
OIL: INFO liboilcpu.c 224: oil_cpu_fault_check_disable(): disabling SIGILL 
OIL: INFO liboilcpu.c 103: _oil_cpu_init(): cpu flags 001f0000
OIL: INFO liboilcpu.c 173: oil_cpu_fault_check_enable(): enabling SIGILL 
handler.  Make sure to continue past any SIGILL signals caught by gdb.
OIL: INFO liboilcpu.c 224: oil_cpu_fault_check_disable(): disabling SIGILL 
OIL: INFO liboilfunction.c 142: oil_init(): oil_init() finished
abs_f32_f32          1 636        636        1            abs_f32_f32_ref
abs_f64_f64          1 646        646        1            abs_f64_f64_ref
abs_u16_s16          6 751        548        1.37         abs_u16_s16_unroll2
abs_u32_s32          2 767        767        1            abs_u32_s32_ref
abs_u8_s8            1 732        732        1            abs_u8_s8_ref
add_f32              8 777        266        2.92         add_f32_sse
argb_paint_u8        2 3503       1603       2.19         argb_paint_u8_mmx
average2_u8          4 978        725        1.35         average2_u8_unroll4
ayuv2argb_u8         1 5022       5022       1            ayuv2argb_u8_ref
ayuv2uyvy            1 645.4      645.4      1            ayuv2uyvy_ref
ayuv2yuyv            1 644        644        1            ayuv2yuyv_ref
ayuv2yvyu            1 632        632        1            ayuv2yvyu_ref
clamp_f32            2 1592       253        6.29         clamp_f32_sse
clamp_f64            2 2138       404        5.29         clamp_f64_sse
clamp_s16            7 1628       185        8.8          clamp_s16_asm_mmxext
clamp_s32            3 1837       1039       1.77         clamp_s32_unroll4
clamp_s8             6 1480       231        6.41         clamp_s8_asm_mmxext
clamp_u16            6 2271.89    223        10.2         clamp_u16_asm_mmx
clamp_u32            3 1801       1057       1.7          clamp_u32_unroll4
clamp_u8             7 2304       211        10.9         clamp_u8_asm_mmxext
clamphigh_f32        2 839        245        3.42         clamphigh_f32_sse
clamphigh_f64        2 1677       376.75     4.45         clamphigh_f64_sse
clamphigh_s16        5 1354       170        7.96         clamphigh_s16_sse
clamphigh_s32        3 782        477        1.64         clamphigh_s32_unroll4
clamphigh_s8         4 1277       538.375    2.37         clamphigh_s8_unroll4
clamphigh_u16        4 771.4      536        1.44         clamphigh_u16_unroll4
clamphigh_u32        3 835.8      464        1.8          clamphigh_u32_unroll4
clamphigh_u8         5 878        212        4.14         clamphigh_u8_sse
clamplow_f32         2 1021       227        4.5          clamplow_f32_sse
clamplow_f64         2 1568       362.625    4.32         clamplow_f64_sse
clamplow_s16         5 1225       170        7.21         clamplow_s16_sse
clamplow_s32         3 824        461        1.79         clamplow_s32_unroll4
clamplow_s8          4 1036       470        2.2          clamplow_s8_unroll4
clamplow_u16         4 745        536        1.39         clamplow_u16_unroll4
clamplow_u32         3 1170       787        1.49         clamplow_u32_unroll4
clamplow_u8          5 825        214        3.86         clamplow_u8_sse
clip_f32             1 2427       2427       1            clip_f32_ref
clip_f64             1 1954       1954       1            clip_f64_ref
clip_s16             3 1880       1197       1.57         clip_s16_fast2
clip_s32             1 2281       2281       1            clip_s32_ref
clip_s8              1 1469       1469       1            clip_s8_ref
clip_u16             1 2122       2122       1            clip_u16_ref
clip_u32             1 2074       2074       1            clip_u32_ref
clip_u8              1 2115       2115       1            clip_u8_ref
clipconv8x8_u8_s16   1 1104       1104       1            clipconv8x8_u8_s16_c
clipconv_s16_f32     2 8199       8199       1            clipconv_s16_f32_ref
clipconv_s16_f64     2 8298       8298       1            clipconv_s16_f64_ref
clipconv_s16_s32     2 1466       1457       1.01         clipconv_s16_s32_c
clipconv_s16_u16     2 942        876        1.08         clipconv_s16_u16_c
clipconv_s16_u32     2 664        594        1.12         clipconv_s16_u32_c
clipconv_s32_f32     2 8298       8100       1.02         clipconv_s32_f32_c
clipconv_s32_f64     2 8893       8104       1.1          clipconv_s32_f64_c
clipconv_s32_u32     2 1133       1061       1.07         clipconv_s32_u32_c
clipconv_s8_f32      2 8307       8307       1            clipconv_s8_f32_ref
clipconv_s8_f64      2 8303       8303       1            clipconv_s8_f64_ref
clipconv_s8_s16      2 1595       1391       1.15         clipconv_s8_s16_c
clipconv_s8_s32      2 1471       1471       1            clipconv_s8_s32_ref
clipconv_s8_u16      2 794        705        1.13         clipconv_s8_u16_c
clipconv_s8_u32      2 792        726.667    1.09         clipconv_s8_u32_c
clipconv_s8_u8       2 1305       1305       1            clipconv_s8_u8_ref
clipconv_u16_f32     2 8499       8499       1            clipconv_u16_f32_ref
clipconv_u16_f64     2 8199       8199       1            clipconv_u16_f64_ref
clipconv_u16_s16     2 1799       1337       1.35         clipconv_u16_s16_c
clipconv_u16_s32     2 1468       1468       1            clipconv_u16_s32_ref
clipconv_u16_u32     2 664        594        1.12         clipconv_u16_u32_c
clipconv_u32_f32     2 8496       8198       1.04         clipconv_u32_f32_c
clipconv_u32_f64     2 8397       8199       1.02         clipconv_u32_f64_c
clipconv_u32_s32     2 1154       1143       1.01         clipconv_u32_s32_c
clipconv_u8_f32      2 8695       8695       1            clipconv_u8_f32_ref
clipconv_u8_f64      2 8305       8305       1            clipconv_u8_f64_ref
clipconv_u8_s16      2 1873       1873       1            clipconv_u8_s16_ref
clipconv_u8_s32      2 1527.1     1527.1     1            clipconv_u8_s32_ref
clipconv_u8_s8       2 1360       1360       1            clipconv_u8_s8_ref
clipconv_u8_u16      2 1034       934.7      1.11         clipconv_u8_u16_c
clipconv_u8_u32      2 794        693        1.15         clipconv_u8_u32_c
colorspace_argb      2 10040.9    1432       7.01         colorspace_argb_mmx
colsad8x8_u8         3 541        159        3.4          colsad8x8_u8_mmx
compare_u8           1 85         85         1            compare_u8_ref
composite_add_argb   6 4745       246.429    19.3         
composite_add_argb_const_src 4 4063       306        13.3         
composite_add_u8     4 1442       150        9.61         
composite_add_u8_const_src 4 797        150        5.31         
composite_in_argb    6 3815.56    1107       3.45         composite_in_argb_mmx
composite_in_argb_const_mask 5 3895       939        4.15         
composite_in_argb_const_src 5 3808       1034       3.68         
composite_in_over_argb 5 8063       1901       4.24         
composite_in_over_argb_const_mask 5 8137.7     1722       4.73         
composite_in_over_argb_const_src 5 7996       1881.7     4.25         
composite_over_argb  14 4722.5     899        5.25         
composite_over_argb_const_src 5 4735.2     965        4.91         
composite_over_u8    4 1027       536        1.92         composite_over_u8_sse
conv8x8_f64_s16      1 430        430        1            conv8x8_f64_s16_c
conv8x8_s16_f64      1 4750       4750       1            conv8x8_s16_f64_c
conv_f32_f64         4 632        283        2.23         conv_f32_f64_unroll4
conv_f32_s16         6 673.1      469        1.44         conv_f32_s16_unroll4
conv_f32_s32         4 675        469        1.44         conv_f32_s32_unroll4
conv_f32_s8          5 756        556        1.36         conv_f32_s8_unroll4
conv_f32_u16         5 756        533        1.42         conv_f32_u16_unroll4
conv_f32_u32         4 1794       1764       1.02         conv_f32_u32_unroll4
conv_f32_u8          5 756        556        1.36         conv_f32_u8_unroll4
conv_f64_f32         4 642        271        2.37         conv_f64_f32_unroll4
conv_f64_s16         5 684.6      448        1.53         conv_f64_s16_unroll4
conv_f64_s32         5 686        448        1.53         conv_f64_s32_unroll4
conv_f64_s8          4 779.4      544        1.43         conv_f64_s8_unroll4
conv_f64_u16         4 779.2      536        1.45         conv_f64_u16_unroll4
conv_f64_u32         4 1815       1770       1.03         conv_f64_u32_unroll4
conv_f64_u8          4 779.4      544        1.43         conv_f64_u8_unroll4
conv_s16_f32         7 7307       739        9.89         conv_s16_f32_lrintf
conv_s16_f64         5 7306       755        9.68         conv_s16_f64_lrint
conv_s16_s32         4 693        588        1.18         conv_s16_s32_unroll4
conv_s16_s8          4 692        587        1.18         conv_s16_s8_unroll4
conv_s16_u16         4 692        605        1.14         conv_s16_u16_unroll4
conv_s16_u32         4 693        588        1.18         conv_s16_u32_unroll4
conv_s16_u8          4 692        587        1.18         conv_s16_u8_unroll4
conv_s32_f32         8 7407       642        11.5         conv_s32_f32_sse
conv_s32_f64         6 7405       712.125    10.4         conv_s32_f64_sse
conv_s32_s16         4 693        644        1.08         conv_s32_s16_unroll2
conv_s32_s8          4 693        644        1.08         conv_s32_s8_unroll2
conv_s32_u16         4 693        644        1.08         conv_s32_u16_unroll2
conv_s32_u32         4 689        646        1.07         conv_s32_u32_unroll2
conv_s32_u8          4 693        644        1.08         conv_s32_u8_unroll2
conv_s8_f32          7 7513       757        9.92         conv_s8_f32_lrintf
conv_s8_f64          5 7513       752.333    9.99         conv_s8_f64_lrint
conv_s8_s16          4 693        644        1.08         conv_s8_s16_unroll2
conv_s8_s32          4 689        646        1.07         conv_s8_s32_unroll2
conv_s8_u16          4 693        644        1.08         conv_s8_u16_unroll2
conv_s8_u32          4 689        646        1.07         conv_s8_u32_unroll2
conv_s8_u8           4 693        644        1.08         conv_s8_u8_unroll2
conv_u16_f32         7 7702       739        10.4         conv_u16_f32_lrintf
conv_u16_f64         5 7701       755        10.2         conv_u16_f64_lrint
conv_u16_s16         4 692        605        1.14         conv_u16_s16_unroll4
conv_u16_s32         4 693        588        1.18         conv_u16_s32_unroll4
conv_u16_s8          4 692        587        1.18         conv_u16_s8_unroll4
conv_u16_u32         4 693        588        1.18         conv_u16_u32_unroll4
conv_u16_u8          4 692        587        1.18         conv_u16_u8_unroll4
conv_u32_f32         5 7404       7338       1.01         conv_u32_f32_unroll4
conv_u32_f64         4 7404       7404       1            conv_u32_f64_ref
conv_u32_s16         4 693        644        1.08         conv_u32_s16_unroll2
conv_u32_s32         4 689        646        1.07         conv_u32_s32_unroll2
conv_u32_s8          4 693        644        1.08         conv_u32_s8_unroll2
conv_u32_u16         4 693        644        1.08         conv_u32_u16_unroll2
conv_u32_u8          4 693        644        1.08         conv_u32_u8_unroll2
conv_u8_f32          7 7611       757        10.1         conv_u8_f32_lrintf
conv_u8_f64          5 7513       752        9.99         conv_u8_f64_lrint
conv_u8_s16          4 693        644        1.08         conv_u8_s16_unroll2
conv_u8_s32          4 689        646        1.07         conv_u8_s32_unroll2
conv_u8_s8           4 693        644        1.08         conv_u8_s8_unroll2
conv_u8_u16          4 693        644        1.08         conv_u8_u16_unroll2
conv_u8_u32          4 689        646        1.07         conv_u8_u32_unroll2
convert_s16_f32      1 6698       6698       1            convert_s16_f32_ref
convert_s16_f64      1 6698       6698       1            convert_s16_f64_ref
convert_s16_s32      1 1331       1331       1            convert_s16_s32_ref
convert_s16_s8       1 290        290        1            convert_s16_s8_ref
convert_s16_u16      1 1040       1040       1            convert_s16_u16_ref
convert_s16_u32      1 593        593        1            convert_s16_u32_ref
convert_s16_u8       1 290        290        1            convert_s16_u8_ref
convert_s32_f64      1 6500       6500       1            convert_s32_f64_ref
convert_s32_s16      1 289        289        1            convert_s32_s16_ref
convert_s32_s8       1 289        289        1            convert_s32_s8_ref
convert_s32_u16      1 289        289        1            convert_s32_u16_ref
convert_s32_u32      1 740        740        1            convert_s32_u32_ref
convert_s32_u8       1 289        289        1            convert_s32_u8_ref
convert_s8_f32       1 6626       6626       1            convert_s8_f32_ref
convert_s8_f64       1 6626       6626       1            convert_s8_f64_ref
convert_s8_s16       1 1511       1511       1            convert_s8_s16_ref
convert_s8_s32       1 1510       1510       1            convert_s8_s32_ref
convert_s8_u16       1 590        590        1            convert_s8_u16_ref
convert_s8_u32       1 590        590        1            convert_s8_u32_ref
convert_s8_u8        1 1143       1143       1            convert_s8_u8_ref
convert_u16_f32      1 6597       6597       1            convert_u16_f32_ref
convert_u16_f64      1 6599       6599       1            convert_u16_f64_ref
convert_u16_s16      1 1201       1201       1            convert_u16_s16_ref
convert_u16_s32      1 1390.62    1390.62    1            convert_u16_s32_ref
convert_u16_u32      1 593        593        1            convert_u16_u32_ref
convert_u16_u8       1 290        290        1            convert_u16_u8_ref
convert_u32_f64      1 6623       6623       1            convert_u32_f64_ref
convert_u32_s32      1 1301       1301       1            convert_u32_s32_ref
convert_u32_u16      1 289        289        1            convert_u32_u16_ref
convert_u32_u8       1 289        289        1            convert_u32_u8_ref
convert_u8_f32       1 6795       6795       1            convert_u8_f32_ref
convert_u8_f64       1 6797       6797       1            convert_u8_f64_ref
convert_u8_s16       1 1820       1820       1            convert_u8_s16_ref
convert_u8_s32       1 1438       1438       1            convert_u8_s32_ref
convert_u8_s8        1 1116       1116       1            convert_u8_s8_ref
convert_u8_u16       1 528        528        1            convert_u8_u16_ref
convert_u8_u32       1 590        590        1            convert_u8_u32_ref
copy8x8_u8           4 258        92         2.8          copy8x8_u8_mmx
copy_u8              13 289.222    127        2.28         copy_u8_mmx_unroll4
dct36_f32            1 74         74         1            dct36_f32_ref
deinterleave         7 491        225        2.18         deinterleave_mmx_4
dequantize8x8_s16    1 583        583        1            dequantize8x8_s16_ref
diff8x8_average_s16_u8 2 583        182        3.2          
diff8x8_const128_s16_u8 2 349        114        3.06         
diff8x8_s16_u8       2 622        148        4.2          diff8x8_s16_u8_mmx
diffsquaresum_f64    5 916        464        1.97         
divide_f32           8 3805.2     1045       3.64         divide_f32_sse_unroll2
err_inter8x8_u8      2 326        185        1.76         err_inter8x8_u8_mmx
err_inter8x8_u8_avg  2 649        226        2.87         
err_intra8x8_u8      2 233        153.556    1.52         err_intra8x8_u8_mmx
fdct8_f64            2 420        173        2.43         fdct8_f64_fast
fdct8x8_f64          3 23158      1793       12.9         fdct8x8_f64_1d
fdct8x8s_s16         1 14058      14058      1            fdct8x8s_s16_ref
fdct8x8theora        1 1886       1886       1            fdct8x8theora_ref
floor_f32            1 9163       9163       1            floor_f32_ref
idct8_f64            2 555        167        3.32         idct8_f64_fastx
idct8theora_s16      1 179        179        1            idct8theora_s16_ref
idct8x8_f64          2 23200      1669       13.9         idct8x8_f64_c
idct8x8_s16          1 6700       6700       1            idct8x8_s16_ref
idct8x8lim10_f64     1 7476.8     7476.8     1            idct8x8lim10_f64_ref
idct8x8lim10_s16     1 12692      12692      1            idct8x8lim10_s16_ref
idct8x8theora_s16    1 1805       1805       1            idct8x8theora_s16_ref
imdct12_f64          1 10245      10245      1            imdct12_f64_ref
imdct32_f32          1 131016     131016     1            imdct32_f32_ref
imdct36_f64          1 88935      88935      1            imdct36_f64_ref
interleave           2 491        491        1            interleave_ref
inverse_f32          3 3831.7     1056       3.63         inverse_f32_sse
lift_add_135         1 1565       1565       1            lift_add_135_ref
lift_add_mult_shift12 1 1301.2     1301.2     1            
lift_add_shift1      1 910        910        1            lift_add_shift1_ref
lift_add_shift2      1 932        932        1            lift_add_shift2_ref
lift_sub_135         1 1565       1565       1            lift_sub_135_ref
lift_sub_mult_shift12 1 1304.5     1304.5     1            
lift_sub_shift1      1 910        910        1            lift_sub_shift1_ref
lift_sub_shift2      1 926        926        1            lift_sub_shift2_ref
maximum_f32          3 1870       276        6.78         maximum_f32_sse
md5                  3 557        515        1.08         md5_asm2
mdct12_f64           1 9391       9391       1            mdct12_f64_ref
mdct36_f64           1 82256      82256      1            mdct36_f64_ref
merge_linear_argb    1 2773       2773       1            merge_linear_argb_ref
merge_linear_u8      3 904.4      287        3.15         merge_linear_u8_mmx
minimum_f32          3 1876       274        6.85         minimum_f32_sse
mix_u8               5 959        959        1            mix_u8_ref
mt19937              4 10899      5907       1.85         mt19937_i386_mmx_3
mult8x8_s16          2 583        147        3.97         mult8x8_s16_mmx
multiply_f32         8 777        265        2.93         multiply_f32_sse
multsum_f32          2 845        501        1.69         multsum_f32_unroll2
multsum_f64          2 837.333    533        1.57         multsum_f64_unroll8
negative_f32         3 393        221        1.78         
null                 1 72         72         1            null_ref
permute_f32          1 852        852        1            permute_f32_ref
permute_f64          1 844        844        1            permute_f64_ref
permute_s16          1 921        921        1            permute_s16_ref
permute_s32          1 852        852        1            permute_s32_ref
permute_s8           1 833        833        1            permute_s8_ref
permute_u16          1 921        921        1            permute_u16_ref
permute_u32          1 852        852        1            permute_u32_ref
permute_u8           1 827        827        1            permute_u8_ref
recon8x8_inter       2 502        221        2.27         recon8x8_inter_mmx
recon8x8_inter2      2 727        264        2.75         recon8x8_inter2_mmx
recon8x8_intra       3 670        111        6.04         
resample_linear_argb 1 2983       2983       1            
resample_linear_u8   1 1213       1213       1            resample_linear_u8_ref
rgb2bgr              1 730        730        1            rgb2bgr_ref
rgb2rgba             1 656        656        1            rgb2rgba_ref
rowsad8x8_u8         3 112        96         1.17         rowsad8x8_u8_mmxext
sad8x8_f64           1 382        382        1            sad8x8_f64_ref
sad8x8_f64_2         1 417        417        1            sad8x8_f64_2_ref
sad8x8_s16           1 546        546        1            sad8x8_s16_ref
sad8x8_s16_2         1 541        541        1            sad8x8_s16_2_ref
sad8x8_u8            4 505        111        4.55         sad8x8_u8_mmxext
sad8x8_u8_avg        3 555        162        3.43         sad8x8_u8_avg_mmxext
scalaradd_f32        4 749        487        1.54         scalaradd_f32_unroll4
scalaradd_f32_ns     4 777        216        3.6          
scalaradd_f64        4 751.4      471        1.6          scalaradd_f64_unroll4
scalaradd_s16        4 762        758        1.01         scalaradd_s16_unroll4
scalaradd_s32        4 780        758        1.03         scalaradd_s32_unroll4
scalaradd_s8         4 754        754        1            scalaradd_s8_ref
scalaradd_u16        4 762        685        1.11         scalaradd_u16_unroll4
scalaradd_u32        4 780        758        1.03         scalaradd_u32_unroll4
scalaradd_u8         4 774.8      759        1.02         scalaradd_u8_unroll4
scalarmult_f32       5 758        491        1.54         scalarmult_f32_unroll4
scalarmult_f64       5 748        482        1.55         scalarmult_f64_unroll4
scalarmult_s16       5 785        735        1.07         scalarmult_s16_unroll4
scalarmult_s32       5 819.1      758        1.08         scalarmult_s32_unroll4
scalarmult_s8        5 779        753        1.03         scalarmult_s8_unroll4
scalarmult_u16       5 779        695        1.12         scalarmult_u16_unroll4
scalarmult_u32       5 819.1      758        1.08         scalarmult_u32_unroll4
scalarmult_u8        5 800.4      753        1.06         scalarmult_u8_unroll4
scalarmultiply_f32_ns 4 777        213        3.65         
scaleconv_f32_s16    1 608        608        1            scaleconv_f32_s16_ref
scaleconv_f32_s32    1 608        608        1            scaleconv_f32_s32_ref
scaleconv_f32_s8     1 795        795        1            scaleconv_f32_s8_ref
scaleconv_f32_u16    1 791        791        1            scaleconv_f32_u16_ref
scaleconv_f32_u32    1 2605       2605       1            scaleconv_f32_u32_ref
scaleconv_f32_u8     1 791        791        1            scaleconv_f32_u8_ref
scaleconv_f64_s16    1 741        741        1            scaleconv_f64_s16_ref
scaleconv_f64_s32    1 741        741        1            scaleconv_f64_s32_ref
scaleconv_f64_s8     1 946        946        1            scaleconv_f64_s8_ref
scaleconv_f64_u16    1 941        941        1            scaleconv_f64_u16_ref
scaleconv_f64_u32    1 2652       2652       1            scaleconv_f64_u32_ref
scaleconv_f64_u8     1 946        946        1            scaleconv_f64_u8_ref
scaleconv_s16_f32    1 8696       8696       1            scaleconv_s16_f32_ref
scaleconv_s16_f64    1 8696       8696       1            scaleconv_s16_f64_ref
scaleconv_s32_f32    1 8696       8696       1            scaleconv_s32_f32_ref
scaleconv_s32_f64    1 8696       8696       1            scaleconv_s32_f64_ref
scaleconv_s8_f32     1 8995       8995       1            scaleconv_s8_f32_ref
scaleconv_s8_f64     1 8995       8995       1            scaleconv_s8_f64_ref
scaleconv_u16_f32    1 9244       9244       1            scaleconv_u16_f32_ref
scaleconv_u16_f64    1 9244       9244       1            scaleconv_u16_f64_ref
scaleconv_u32_f32    1 8995       8995       1            scaleconv_u32_f32_ref
scaleconv_u32_f64    1 8995       8995       1            scaleconv_u32_f64_ref
scaleconv_u8_f32     1 9244       9244       1            scaleconv_u8_f32_ref
scaleconv_u8_f64     1 9244       9244       1            scaleconv_u8_f64_ref
scanlinescale2_u8    1 454        454        1            scanlinescale2_u8_ref
sign_f32             1 792        792        1            sign_f32_ref
sincos_f64           3 24643      2318       10.6         sincos_f64_i20_fast
splat_u16_ns         1 289        289        1            splat_u16_ns_ref
splat_u32            2 649.3      283        2.29         splat_u32_unroll2
splat_u32_ns         8 290.333    161        1.8          
splat_u8             1 652        652        1            splat_u8_ref
splat_u8_ns          12 289.222    135        2.14         splat_u8_ns_int4
split_135            1 1827       1827       1            split_135_ref
split_53             3 1157       1001       1.16         split_53_c
split_approx97       1 1509       1509       1            split_approx97_ref
split_daub97         1 2539       2539       1            split_daub97_ref
squaresum_f64        5 807        331        2.44         
squaresum_shifted_s16 1 516        516        1            
subtract_f32         3 777        266        2.92         subtract_f32_sse
sum_f64              3 697        286        2.44         sum_f64_i10_unroll4
swab_u16             9 609        203        3            swab_u16_mmx_unroll2
swab_u32             9 1076       280        3.84         swab_u32_i386_unroll4
synth_135            1 1833       1833       1            synth_135_ref
synth_53             2 992        992        1            synth_53_ref
synth_approx97       1 1326       1326       1            synth_approx97_ref
synth_daub97         1 2607       2607       1            synth_daub97_ref
tablelookup_u8       1 820        820        1            tablelookup_u8_ref
testzero_u8          3 402        257        1.56         testzero_u8_2
trans8x8_f64         1 390        390        1            trans8x8_f64_ref
trans8x8_u16         8 352        130        2.71         trans8x8_u16_mmx
trans8x8_u32         1 368        368        1            trans8x8_u32_ref
trans8x8_u8          1 372        372        1            trans8x8_u8_ref
unzigzag8x8_s16      2 696        236        2.95         unzigzag8x8_s16_unroll
utf8_validate        5 947        866.125    1.09         utf8_validate_fast3
uyvy2ayuv            1 635        635        1            uyvy2ayuv_ref
vectoradd_f32        1 1108.9     1108.9     1            vectoradd_f32_ref
vectoradd_f64        1 1102       1102       1            vectoradd_f64_ref
vectoradd_s16        1 1529       1529       1            vectoradd_s16_ref
vectoradd_s32        1 1524       1524       1            vectoradd_s32_ref
vectoradd_s8         1 2190       2190       1            vectoradd_s8_ref
vectoradd_s_f32      1 1926       1926       1            vectoradd_s_f32_ref
vectoradd_s_f64      1 1674       1674       1            vectoradd_s_f64_ref
vectoradd_s_s16      1 1600       1600       1            vectoradd_s_s16_ref
vectoradd_s_s8       1 1549       1549       1            vectoradd_s_s8_ref
vectoradd_s_u16      1 1598.7     1598.7     1            vectoradd_s_u16_ref
vectoradd_s_u8       1 1632       1632       1            vectoradd_s_u8_ref
vectoradd_u16        1 1529       1529       1            vectoradd_u16_ref
vectoradd_u32        1 1524       1524       1            vectoradd_u32_ref
vectoradd_u8         1 2177       2177       1            vectoradd_u8_ref
yuv2rgbx_sub2_u8     1 20204      20204      1            yuv2rgbx_sub2_u8_ref
yuv2rgbx_sub4_u8     1 18378      18378      1            yuv2rgbx_sub4_u8_ref
yuv2rgbx_u8          1 20621      20621      1            yuv2rgbx_u8_ref
yuyv2ayuv            1 635        635        1            yuyv2ayuv_ref
yvyu2ayuv            1 635        635        1            yvyu2ayuv_ref
zigzag8x8_s16        2 640        244        2.62         zigzag8x8_s16_unroll
diff -Nur gstreamer0.10-0.10.6.old/gst/gst.c gstreamer0.10-0.10.6/gst/gst.c
--- gstreamer0.10-0.10.6.old/gst/gst.c  2006-05-08 17:06:22.000000000 +0200
+++ gstreamer0.10-0.10.6/gst/gst.c      2006-06-07 02:45:54.000000000 +0200
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@
 extern gint _gst_trace_on;
 /* set to TRUE when segfaults need to be left as is */
-gboolean _gst_disable_segtrap = FALSE;
+gboolean _gst_disable_segtrap = TRUE;
 static void load_plugin_func (gpointer data, gpointer user_data);

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