
This looks very good and should work for me.
Many thanks!

On Sun, Aug 25, 2024 at 6:57 AM Lorenzo <plore...@disroot.org> wrote:

> Dear Mo Jun,
> I propose the following:
>  * drop /lib/lsb/init-functions.d/40-runit
>  * add /etc/runit/override-sysv.d/default-runit
> default-runit will set the policy about forwarding the
> invoke-rc.d action to runscripts. The default policy will
> be the same as now, but it will be possible to override it
> for each script, so for example (for anacron)
>   - /etc/runit/override-sysv.d/anacron.block  --> always block
>        invoke-rc.d for anacron
>   - /etc/runit/override-sysv.d/anacron.runit  --> always forward to
>        the anacron runscript, even if it's already managed by
>        runit-helper or trigger_sv
>   - /etc/runit/override-sysv.d/anacron.sysv   --> always call the
>        sysvinit script for anarcon
> this way we could limit the signal-twice thing to runscript that
> need it; for example, the anacron runscript in runit-services package
> will create the /etc/runit/override-sysv.d/anacron.runit file so that
> cronjobs are not skipped.
> to summarize, the difference from the current status will be:
> * the main policy script will be below /etc/ so the user can modify
>   default-runit and all changes will be persistent on upgrade
> * default policy tunable for each service, by touching files inside
>   /etc/runit/override-sysv.d/
>   will be very convenient to create or remove those files with the
>   runscript
> * the policy will work only for invoke-rc.d calls, direct call
>   to /etc/init.d/foo is out of scope. This will create issue with
>   the few packages that call the script without using invoke-rc.d,
>   but the number is manageble (I will file bugs) and I think it's not
>   correct forbid the local admin to run a script in the system if he
>   wants to..
> let me if will work for you.
> Regards,
> Lorenzo

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