Package: ntop
Version: 3:3.2-3

Tried without anything in /usr/lib/ntop/plugins:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/lib/ntop$ sudo /usr/sbin/ntop -u ntop
Sat Jun 10 10:56:13 2006  NOTE: Interface merge enabled by default
Sat Jun 10 10:56:13 2006  Initializing gdbm databases
Sat Jun 10 10:56:13 2006  ntop v.3.2 SourceForge .tgz
Sat Jun 10 10:56:13 2006 Configured on Mar 18 2006 11:31:53, built on Mar 18 2006 11:35:14. Sat Jun 10 10:56:13 2006 Copyright 1998-2005 by Luca Deri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sat Jun 10 10:56:13 2006 Get the freshest ntop from http://
Sat Jun 10 10:56:13 2006  NOTE: ntop is running from '/usr/sbin'
Sat Jun 10 10:56:13 2006 NOTE: (but see warning on man page for the --instance parameter)
Sat Jun 10 10:56:13 2006  Initializing ntop
Sat Jun 10 10:56:14 2006  Checking eth0 for additional devices
Sat Jun 10 10:56:14 2006  Resetting traffic statistics for device eth0
Sat Jun 10 10:56:14 2006  DLT: Device 0 [eth0] is 1, mtu 1514, header 14
Sat Jun 10 10:56:14 2006  Initializing gdbm databases
Sat Jun 10 10:56:14 2006  VENDOR: Loading MAC address table.
Sat Jun 10 10:56:14 2006  VENDOR: Checking for MAC address table file
Sat Jun 10 10:56:14 2006 VENDOR: File '/etc/ntop/specialMAC.txt' does not need to be reloaded
Sat Jun 10 10:56:14 2006  VENDOR: ntop continues ok
Sat Jun 10 10:56:14 2006  VENDOR: Checking for MAC address table file
Sat Jun 10 10:56:14 2006 VENDOR: File '/etc/ntop/oui.txt' does not need to be reloaded
Sat Jun 10 10:56:14 2006  VENDOR: ntop continues ok
Sat Jun 10 10:56:14 2006  Fingeprint: Loading signature file.
Sat Jun 10 10:56:14 2006  Fingeprint: ...loaded 1697 records
Sat Jun 10 10:56:14 2006 ASN: Checking for Autonomous System Number table file
Sat Jun 10 10:56:14 2006  ASN: Loading file '/etc/ntop/AS-list.txt'
Sat Jun 10 10:56:17 2006  ASN: ...found 111435 lines
Sat Jun 10 10:56:17 2006  ASN: ....Used 3780 KB of memory (12 per entry)
Sat Jun 10 10:56:17 2006 I18N: This instance of ntop does not support multiple languages Sat Jun 10 10:56:17 2006 IP2CC: Checking for IP address <-> Country Code mapping file
Sat Jun 10 10:56:17 2006  IP2CC: Loading file '/etc/ntop/p2c.opt.table'
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006  IP2CC: ...found 52395 lines
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006  GDVERCHK: Guessing at libgd version
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006  GDVERCHK: ... as 2.0.21+
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006  Initializing external applications
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 THREADMGMT[t16386]: NPA: network packet analyzer (packet processor) thread running [p26300] Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 THREADMGMT[t16386]: NPA: Started thread for network packet analyzer Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 THREADMGMT[t32771]: SFP: Fingerprint scan thread starting [p26301] Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 THREADMGMT[t32771]: SFP: Started thread for fingerprinting Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 THREADMGMT[t49156]: SIH: Idle host scan thread starting [p26302] Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 THREADMGMT[t49156]: SIH: Started thread for idle hosts detection Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 THREADMGMT[t65541]: DNSAR(1): Address resolution thread running [p26303] Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 THREADMGMT[t65541]: DNSAR(1): Started thread for DNS address resolution
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006  Calling plugin start functions (if any)
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 SSL is present but https is disabled: use - W <https port> for enabling it
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006  INITWEB: Initializing web server
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 INITWEB: Initializing tcp/ip socket connections for web server Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 INITWEB: Initialized socket, port 3000, address (any) Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 INITWEB: Waiting for HTTP connections on port 3000
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006  INITWEB: Starting web server
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 THREADMGMT[t81926]: INITWEB: Started thread for web server
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006  Listening on [eth0]
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006  Loading Plugins
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006  Searching for plugins in ./plugins
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006  Calling plugin start functions (if any)
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 THREADMGMT[t16384]: ntop RUNSTATE: INITNONROOT(3)
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006  Now running as requested user 'ntop' (104:104)
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 INIT: Created pid file (/var/lib/ntop/ Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 Note: Reporting device initally set to 0 [eth0] (merged)
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006  THREADMGMT[t16384]: ntop RUNSTATE: RUN(4)
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 THREADMGMT[t32771]: SFP: Fingerprint scan thread running [p26301] Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 THREADMGMT[t49156]: SIH: Idle host scan thread running [p26302] Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 THREADMGMT[t81926]: WEB: Server connection thread starting [p26304]
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006  Note: SIGPIPE handler set (ignore)
Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 THREADMGMT[t81926]: WEB: Server connection thread running [p26304] Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 WEB: ntop's web server is now processing requests Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 THREADMGMT[t98311]: NPS(1,eth0): pcapDispatch thread starting [p26305] Sat Jun 10 10:56:18 2006 THREADMGMT[t98311]: NPS(1,eth0): pcapDispatch thread running [p26305]
Bus error

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