[Cc:ing to the BTS, such that our discussion is recorded somewhere.  Hope
you don't mind.]

* Alberto Maurizi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005-03-02 16:08]:

>       OK, I reproduced the error and I can give you an example (the
>       archive in attachment)
>       1. cp -r /usr/share/doc/fig2sty/examples/<some files> $HOME/bug_report
>       2. fig2sty nopic.fig + latex example.tex + dvips example.dvi,
>          gives the "expected" result (see example.ps-orig)
>       3. now I open nopic.fig with xfig, delete the "type=text" label
>          in the "n=1" area, I write it again and save the file
>       4. repeating procedure at point 2 gives the "wrong" result (see
>          example.ps)
>       If of any help, I noticed that the format of the xfig file (the
>       changed label) is different from the original.

Thanks for the example, that is exactly what was needed.  I can replicate
what you are reporting above.  However, from the fig2sty man page:

    Several key words are interpreted by "fig2sty":

    This tag is compulsory; a frame will not be detected as such if you
    don't provide a type tag. [...]

You are not allowed to have a polygonal area without the "text" tag.  When I
delete also the text "n=1" from that polygon, fig2sty works as expected,
i.e. an empty polygon is shown in example.ps (attached below).

Could you please confirm that the same happens to you?

Attachment: example.ps
Description: PostScript document

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