This one time, at band camp, Anand Kumria said:
> Hi Stephen,
> Depends: mail-transport-agent | exim4-daemon-heavy (>= 4.44)
> Conflicts: exim4-daemon-light (<=4.44)

But why should it?  What if someone is using exim4-daemon-light as the
MTA on a samba server, and they want to scan the shared partitions?

> What is the common mail server case? Guy setting up a machine wanting
> to perform greylisting, spamassassin and antivirus checks at smtp
> time? Or organisation setting up cluster of machine with lots of
> load-balancing doodads all over the place.
> I don't think there is anything wrong with optimising for the common
> case here.

The problem is that the 'common case' does not appear to be
overwhelmingly common.  On the clamav-users list, there are about equal
parts people running giant cluster farms handling millions of mails a
day, and people running clamav on their desktops or single server
machines.  Personally, I use it in both arrangements at my day job, and
I also use it in the samba arrangement above.

> > I am also not allowed to reload exim from the postinst of my
> > package, so nothing would happen at all.
> Yes, you are; see 'invoke-rc.d'.  It'll do the right thing.

You misunderstand - my maintainer scripts should not really be reloading
another packages program.  It is probably not technically against the
rules, but it seems like poor practice.  The only time it seems
reasonable is when you are installing something that only is useful with
the daemon in question, like the apache php modules.

> Well the exiscan patch is integrated upstream into exim 4.50, so it is
> likely that exim4-daemon-light will have right thing in future.

Doubtful - it has always been present in the Debian exim4 packages, but
turned off with a compile time option.  It is likely that that will
continue, as far as I can tell.

> > As I recall, the stock packages of exim4 already come with all the
> > clamd stuff present but commented out, so it really would only save
> > the admin the trouble of removing a few comments.
> No, they don't.  Which is basically my bug; setup of clamav-daemon
> using exim4 is harder than it should be. If README.Debian said "for
> Exim if you are using the split configuration, clamav is enabled.  You
> will need to modify the file /etc/exim4/conf.d/acl/40_... and put the
> contents of /path/to/example before this are checked.  If you are
> using either the template of monolithic configuration you will also
> need to put the enable line from
> /etc/exim4/conf.d/main/20_clamav-daemon_socket_path in the main
> section"

I can put a note in README.Debian to that effect, but the howto is right
in exim4's spec.txt, with detailed instructions about getting it going.
It seems like overkill to document this for every MTA under the sun,
when they already come with decent documentation.  If exim lacked decent
documentation, your argument would feel more compelling.

> > I think this should be closed, but if it is important to you as a
> > feature request, I am happy to leave it open as a wishlist bug, but
> > I am afraid I will tag it 'wontfix'
> Personally I think 'wontfix' is a bit of a copout. Especially for a
> wishlist bug.  But how you triage is your own problem.

Thanks :)

> One package that I think you should take a look at is how greylistd
> works and interacts with Exim.  It has similiar problems and has some
> interesting solutions.

I will take a look at it when I have a moment.  But again, greylisting
is really only useful in conjunction with an MTA, so if you are
installing it, presumably that is the only thing you might want it for.
I can think of other things people do with clamav.

> > Thanks for reporting,
> Thanks for responding; nowadays fewer and fewer developer even do that
> courtesy to reporters.  I appreciate I pretty much rejected outright
> your response but when I look at greylistd the nice thing is it
> basically 'Just Works'.

Courtesy does work both ways - you get more flies with honey and all
that.  You filed a wishlist bug with priority normal (severity inflation
always bugs me, so to speak) and then you were not particualrly polite
in your reply.  If you want wishlist bugs fixed, file them with patches,
be reasonably polite, and I'm sure people will respond (and may even
act) more often.

I am not trying to be harsh, but realize that you're writing to a
volunteer, who is replying to you on his own time before going to bed at
midnight, and who has to get up at 5 AM for his paid job in the morning.
I try my best to accomodate all sorts of arrangements (take a look at
the outlandish variety of startup options for clamav-freshclam, for
instance), but I don't do it because I have to.

> In contrast for clamav-daemon, the package didn't have information for
> me to put in the right rules and enable things.  Eventually I would
> like it to be (essentially) 'apt-get install clamav-daemon' and you
> have virus checking with exim4.
> I believe this the first step in getting there.

I tell you what - if this is hugely important to you, write up the two
files, one for the main section, and one for the acl, documenting how to
use them, and I will ship them under examples/, with a note that you can
just .include them from the relevant sections.
|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                            |

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