On Wednesday 28 June 2006 19:25, Santiago Garcia Mantinan wrote:
> We had a package that we knew was dfsg compliant, I had removed the lib
> stuff which had several license problems because of that and then renamed
> it to dfsg as we had agreed that it was dfsg compliant, now...


Sorry. That was my fault, in uploading without fully checking the new upstream 
tar ball.

The get-orig-source target was supposed to strip out all the non-dfsg stuff, 
but didn't due to a typo in the sed script. I guess it is also a symptom of 
svn-buildpackage as one doesn't spend much time in the upstream build-area, 
not that that is an excuse.

I'll roll back and upload 0.8.51.dfsg-2.orig.tar.gz will all of lib/ stripped 
out.  Then we can work through in slow time the licencing for EC and see if 
we want to reintroduce at some time.

> 1- the echo cancellation stuff doesn't have a license we can use to say
> it's free, this has been discussed before (see Emil Stoyanov [1] message to
> the list) and I didn't read anybody saying that it was no longer like that

Agreed we should remove this EC patch until it is DFSG licenced.

> 2- the iLBC stuff is stil non-free as it used to be that way and it hasn't
> changed its license.

Yes that was never meant to be included, but the stripping routine didn't work 
as desired.

> I hope I'm missing something with all this, otherwise I don't know what we
> are playing at, this seems completely nonsense and a Debian developer
> should be more cautious with what he uploads at least once he knows there
> are problems with licenses on some parts of a software.

Point taken.  I will be more careful with upload...

Thanks for picking this up so early.


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