On Wed, Jul 05, 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Okay, then the man page is INCORRECT!
> Did you adapt the man page?

Please tell me what is wrong in it and I'll write a patch for it.

I read:

       -t radix
           Print the offset within the file before each string.  The single 
character argument specifies the radix  of  the  offset---o  for
           octal, x for hexadecimal, or d for decimal.

       -e encoding
           Select the character encoding of the strings that are to be found.  
Possible values for encoding are: s = single-7-bit-byte char‐
           acters (ASCII, ISO 8859, etc., default), S = single-8-bit-byte 
characters, b = 16-bit bigendian, l =  16-bit  littleendian,  B  =
           32-bit bigendian, L = 32-bit littleendian. Useful for finding wide 
character strings.

           Specify an object code format other than your system’s default 

There is no reference to -T.
Is that what is missing?

Mohammed Adnène Trojette

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