On Wed, Jul 05, 2006 at 06:08:51PM -0700, Matt Taggart wrote:
> I noticed your comments in #354490 about multiseat maybe not quite being 
> ready 
> for primetime (back in May).
> Has the situation changed at all?
> What are the things you think needs to happen before this could be 
> packaged/integrated with Debian to support multiseat easily?
> It would be nice to be able to support this in etch.

Nothing's changed on this front.  multiseat hasn't seen any serious
attention since about March 2005, and I don't expect it will unless some
seriously interested party picks up the pieces and:
  * better integrates it with the current xorg and gdm configurations,
  * investigates wider support (e.g. on ATI, Intel).

I'm no longer working on Ubuntu or Debian stuff at all, so I haven't
been looking at it.  Sorry.


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