Package: kino
Version: 0.90-1

Your package fails to build with recent versions of the gcc-snapshot
package, i.e. a pre-release of GCC 4.2.  The problem is that external
variables are defined both in a C and C++ context, as you can see in
this simple example:

42059:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: ~] /usr/lib/gcc-snapshot/bin/g++ -c error: previous declaration of 'int i' with 'C++' linkage error: conflicts with new declaration with 'C' linkage
42060:[EMAIL PROTECTED]: ~] cat
extern int i;

extern "C" {
        extern int i;

According to this is
not valid, so please investgate.

> Automatic build of kino_0.90-1 on by 
> sbuild/powerpc 0.47
> if g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I. -I.. -Wall  -I/usr/include/libraw1394      
> -I/usr/include/alsa   -I/usr/include/libxml2   -pthread 
> -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib/glib-2.0/include 
> -I/usr/include/libglade-2.0 -I/usr/include/gtk-2.0 -I/usr/include/libxml2 
> -I/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/include -I/usr/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/include/cairo 
> -I/usr/include/pango-1.0   -I/usr/include/ffmpeg -I/usr/include/libraw1394    
> -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -DKINO_PLUGINDIR=\""/usr/lib/kino-gtk2"\" 
> -DDATADIR=\""/usr/share"\" -D_REENTRANT    -g -O2 -MT preferences_dialog.o 
> -MD -MP -MF ".deps/preferences_dialog.Tpo" -c -o preferences_dialog.o 
>; \
>       then mv -f ".deps/preferences_dialog.Tpo" 
> ".deps/preferences_dialog.Po"; else rm -f ".deps/preferences_dialog.Tpo"; 
> exit 1; fi
> avi.h:51: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwMicroSecPerFrame'
> avi.h:54: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwMaxBytesPerSec'
> avi.h:57: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwPaddingGranularity'
> avi.h:60: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwFlags'
> avi.h:63: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwTotalFrames'
> avi.h:64: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwInitialFrames'
> avi.h:65: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwStreams'
> avi.h:66: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwSuggestedBufferSize'
> avi.h:68: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwWidth'
> avi.h:69: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwHeight'
> avi.h:71: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwReserved [4]'
> avi.h:77: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int16_le_t <anonymous struct>::top'
> avi.h:77: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int16_le_t <anonymous struct>::bottom'
> avi.h:77: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int16_le_t <anonymous struct>::left'
> avi.h:77: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int16_le_t <anonymous struct>::right'
> avi.h:89: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwFlags'
> avi.h:90: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int16_le_t <anonymous struct>::wPriority'
> avi.h:91: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int16_le_t <anonymous struct>::wLanguage'
> avi.h:92: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwInitialFrames'
> avi.h:93: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwScale'
> avi.h:94: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwRate'
> avi.h:95: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwStart'
> avi.h:96: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwLength'
> avi.h:97: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwSuggestedBufferSize'
> avi.h:98: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwQuality'
> avi.h:99: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwSampleSize'
> avi.h:106: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwDVAAuxSrc'
> avi.h:107: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwDVAAuxCtl'
> avi.h:108: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwDVAAuxSrc1'
> avi.h:109: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwDVAAuxCtl1'
> avi.h:110: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwDVVAuxSrc'
> avi.h:111: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwDVVAuxCtl'
> avi.h:112: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwDVReserved [2]'
> avi.h:118: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::biSize'
> avi.h:119: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'u_int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::biWidth'
> avi.h:120: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'u_int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::biHeight'
> avi.h:121: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int16_le_t <anonymous struct>::biPlanes'
> avi.h:122: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int16_le_t <anonymous struct>::biBitCount'
> avi.h:123: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::biCompression'
> avi.h:124: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::biSizeImage'
> avi.h:125: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'u_int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::biXPelsPerMeter'
> avi.h:126: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'u_int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::biYPelsPerMeter'
> avi.h:127: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::biClrUsed'
> avi.h:128: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::biClrImportant'
> avi.h:134: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int16_le_t <anonymous struct>::wFormatTag'
> avi.h:135: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int16_le_t <anonymous struct>::nChannels'
> avi.h:136: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::nSamplesPerSec'
> avi.h:137: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::nAvgBytesPerSec'
> avi.h:138: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int16_le_t <anonymous struct>::nBlockAlign'
> avi.h:139: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int16_le_t <anonymous struct>::wBitsPerSample'
> avi.h:140: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int16_le_t <anonymous struct>::cbSize'
> avi.h:141: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int16_le_t <anonymous struct>::dummy'
> avi.h:147: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int16_le_t <anonymous struct>::wLongsPerEntry'
> avi.h:150: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::nEntriesInUse'
> avi.h:152: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwReserved [3]'
> avi.h:159: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> '<anonymous struct>::avisuperindex_entry <anonymous struct>::aIndex [2014]'
> avi.h:165: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int16_le_t <anonymous struct>::wLongsPerEntry'
> avi.h:168: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::nEntriesInUse'
> avi.h:170: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int64_le_t <anonymous struct>::qwBaseOffset'
> avi.h:171: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::dwReserved'
> avi.h:177: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> '<anonymous struct>::avifieldindex_entry <anonymous struct>::aIndex [17895]'
> avi.h:190: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> '<anonymous struct>::avisimpleindex_entry <anonymous struct>::aIndex [20000]'
> avi.h:191: warning: ignoring packed attribute on unpacked non-POD field 
> 'int32_le_t <anonymous struct>::nEntriesInUse'
> kino_common.h:319: error: previous declaration of 'KinoCommon* common' with 
> 'C++' linkage
> error: conflicts with new declaration with 'C' 
> linkage
> make[4]: *** [preferences_dialog.o] Error 1

Martin Michlmayr

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