On 17.Jul.2006 um 07:35:37AM -0600, Wesley J. Landaker wrote:

> severity 378504 wishlist
> thanks


> On Sunday 16 July 2006 15:37, Uwe Kappe wrote:
> > today I tried to make a googleearth-package. I got several warnings:
> >
> > dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: format of `NEEDED ./libcomponent.so' not
> > recognized dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: format of `NEEDED ./libfusion.so' not
> > recognized dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: format of `NEEDED ./libgeobase.so'
> > not recognized dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: format of `NEEDED ./libmath.so'
> > not recognized dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: format of `NEEDED
> [...]
> > dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: unable to find dependency information for shared
> > library libtiff (soname 3, path libtiff.so.3, dependency field Depends)
> These are all normal, as the googleearth binary has a bunch of included 
> shared libraries that can't be handled by dpkg-shlibdeps correctly. They 
> are harmless however. The best I could do is grep -v them out, but I'm not 
> sure it's worth it.

Hmmm. I thougt the transition to the new libtiff version 4 had
something to do with this behaviour.

> Maybe adding a "--quiet" mode to the whole make-googleearth-package process 
> would be helpful, though.
> > After this I get the info "Success!". I can install the package and I can
> > start googleearth. But the graphical part looks scrambled.
> If the graphical part looks scrambled, that could have something to do with 
> your video drivers or something else, but certainly doesn't have to do with 
> the dpkg warnings. Unfortunately, since it's a proprietary, closed-source 
> program, there probably won't be anything I can do about bugs in the 
> program itself. =(

Thanks for the information. Now I'll take a lock to my
X-Org-configuration. I thought that's OK because 3D applications like
ppracer are running...

Many thanks and best regards
Uwe Kappe                                       Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                                Web:  http://www.maujo.de/
        Strasser:  Welche Nationalität haben Sie?
        Rick:      Ich bin Trinker.
        Renault:   Und damit ist er Weltbürger! (aus "Casablanca")

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