Am Freitag, 21. Juli 2006 17:18 schrieb Olaf Dabrunz:

> Interesting.

yes it is

> I see. For your application it seems to be enough to know when a client
> requests a file (and maybe you communicate client details using some
> other communication channel). Otherwise I would expect the patch to
> communicate client-specific information to the program that provides the
> file.

Thats right.

Think about a client on which you want to install debian or suse or some other 
operating system using PXE, PXELINUX, atftpd, a kernel and an initrd.
You would have to create the file in pxelinux.cfg/01-01-02-03-04-05-06,
where 01-02-03-04-05-06 is the hw address of the client.
The file should contain something like:
default install-linux

label install-linux
    kernel vmlinuz
    append ramdisk_size=64000 init=/etc/init initrd=initrd
On the next boot the client will read this config, transfer the kernel and 
initrd and start linux.
After the operating system installation on the clients harddisk is completed, 
the client needs a reboot to start the new os.
Before the restart you will have to delete the pxelinux config file or end up 
in a loop.
For security reasons you will not allow the client to delete files on the 

> Anyway, AFAICT you will have a problem with concurrent access to the
> FIFO by multiple instances of atftpd (when multiple clients request
> their files at the same time). If your environment (opsi) works around
> this problem, it would be helpful to either give a simple example in the
> manpage how the FIFO could be used safely, or to document it as a
> special feature that cannot be used in a simple way from the command
> line.

We only use FIFOs for client configuration data.

> The feature itself needs documentation in the manpage anyway. Please
> explain how it can be useful to the user, with and without opsi.

> How can you do this on a client-by-client basis? Is it possible only
> from within opsi, or is it possible for every user of atftpd?
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# mkfifo /tftpboot/pipe
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# echo "atftpd fifo test" > /tftpboot/pipe \
                        && rm /tftpboot/pipe \
                        && echo "fifo read and deleted" | wall &
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# atftp localhost
tftp> get pipe

Broadcast Message from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        (/dev/pts/7) at 17:49 ...

fifo read and deleted
use POSIX;
my $pipe =  "/tftpboot/linux/pxelinux.cfg/01-00-01-02-03-04-05";
POSIX::mkfifo($pipe, 0644) or
            die("cannot create Pipe %s.\n", $pipe);
sysopen(FIFO, $pipe, O_WRONLY, 0644);
print FIFO "default linux\n";
print FIFO "label linux\n";
print FIFO "  kernel vmlinuz\n";
print FIFO "  append ramdisk_size=64000 init=/etc/init initrd=initrd\n";


Jan Schneider

uib umwelt informatik büro gmbh
Bonifaziusplatz 1B
55118 Mainz

Tel. 06131 / 27561-20
Fax  06131 / 27561-22



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