Attached is a patch to the symbols/macintosh_vndr/gb layout. Applying it
makes the 'gb' layout operate within (reasonably) normal parameters.

Applying this patch to other Mac layouts will fix them accordingly (will
need some fuzzing to apply to other layouts no doubt). Most of them are
deltas from the 'us' layout that fail to include the original keymap, thus
losing 90%-100% of the letter keys.

The 'FIXME's in the macintosh_vndr/us layout make me think that maybe the
while Mac layout set is very much work-in-progress. The 'gb' layout, even
once working, is not perfect - quoteleft / asciitilde show up as '<' and
'>', respectively, and section / plusminux show up as '`' and '~'
respectively. Not to mention the fact that Option-3 does not produce the
expected numbersign ('#') symbol - I have to use Compose-+-+ to obtain that.

If anyone wants me to produce a full compliment of post-ADB Macintosh
keyboard layouts, you have only to ship me a container full of the USB type
keyboards 8*). Preferably the white ones, since they are usually the complete
layout (the black keyboard is usually cut down).


rob andrews                       :: pgp 0x01e00563 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
--- symbols/macintosh_vndr/gb.orig      2006-07-24 18:34:12.000000000 +0100
+++ symbols/macintosh_vndr/gb   2006-07-24 18:42:51.000000000 +0100
@@ -3,6 +3,9 @@
 partial default alphanumeric_keys 
 xkb_symbols "basic" {
+    // Inherit the keymap from the Macintosh US layout
+    include "macintosh_vndr/us"
     // Describes the differences between a very simple en_US
     // keyboard and a very simple U.K. keyboard layout

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