"Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Frank Küster wrote:
>> Do you still encounter this error? There was a buggy version of libpng
> No, I guess it was because of the "libpng" bug.


> But, I there is yet another "minor" bug; i.e. my current docbook PDF
> output looks more like "letter size writings" on top of an 
> "A4 size" paper. Nevertheless, I have no idea to whom I should
> file this issue.

I'm not the jadetex maintainer (I just wanted to show some care for its
bugs, while submitting an other one...), and I have no idea how it
works.  In any case, if you can provide a minimal example that shows the
error (if needed, you can still put lots of text in the file, but don't
use fancy features, restrict yourself to the minimum amount of commands
and settings), it's worth submitting it as a new bug.  The jadetex
maintainer is probably the best person to know whether it's his
package's fault or not, but without a concrete example it's hard.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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