On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 03:46:56PM +0000, Jochen Voss wrote:
> Hello Thomas,
> On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 10:20:14AM -0500, Thomas Dickey wrote:
> > thanks.  Actually I had forgotten the TCSETA detail, but noticed the
> > hardware platform which seems to be relevant as well.
> Is the TCSETA ioctl documented in some publicly accessible place?

For instance Solaris' termio manpage says this:

           The argument is a  pointer  to  a   termio  structure.
           Those terminal parameters that can be stored in a ter-
           mio structure are set from the values stored  in  that
           structure. The change is immediate.

Changing it to TCSETAF might change the behavior (mentioning this not to fix
the problem, but to get more information about it).

           The argument is a pointer to a termio structure.
            Those terminal parameters that can  be  stored  in  a
           termio  structure  are  set  from the values stored in
           that structure. The change occurs after all characters
           queued  for  output have been transmitted; all charac-
           ters queued for  input  are  discarded  and  then  the
           change occurs.

I have a hunch that TCSETAF is used in more applications, so a bug in
the former might be overlooked.

> Maybe its a kernel or libc bug after all?

I suspect that, but don't have an easy way to prove it.  There are a couple of
things that are related:

Some time ago there were comments to the effect that the PowerPC port had
changed some of the I/O structs incompatibly, causing some isolated failures. 
I mentioned that to Brandon when this bug came up, but his opinion was that
those problems had been dealt with.

The other is whether the connection is remote or local (I don't have the other
report at hand, but seem to recall that this problem happens on local
> All the best,
> Jochen
> PS.: I was unsure which bug report entry I should forward this
> information to.  I choose "my" copy of the bug report.  Hope that this
> is ok.

that's fine (Brandon may merge them as he needs to).

Thomas E. Dickey

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