
From: Norbert Preining <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Bug#384334: jadetex: Suggested changes, NMU prepared
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 10:17:44 +0200
> I updated the patch/NMU to include the following two suggestions from
> Frank:
>   * move the ini files to /usr/share/texmf/tex/jadetex/config
> this is again for compliance with the TeX Policy.
>   * extend the copyright notices on the Debian packaging part a bit
> Here I added you (with a "probably" because I don't know it for sure),
> and myself.
> Again attached is a diff between 3.13-6 and 3.13-6.2, an updated one.
> Best wishes and thanks for considering

  Sorry for tye inconvinience. And thanks for your patch and your
work.  I'll review a patch in a few days.  Please wait.


  OHURA Makoto: [EMAIL PROTECTED](Debian Project)
                [EMAIL PROTECTED](LILO/Netfort)
  GnuPG public key: http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~ohura/gpg.asc.txt
        fingerprint: 54F6 D1B1 2EE1 81CD 65E3  A1D3 EEA2 EFA2 77DC E083

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