Package: subversion
Version: 1.3.2-5+b1

Import (result of svn add or svn import) fails consistently, but only on
some files.

Example output:
$ svn import
Adding         cronjobs/cvs-cron/syncmail
Adding         cronjobs/cvs-cron/
svn: PUT of
/': Could not read status line: Connection reset by peer
svn: Your commit message was left in a temporary file:
svn:    'svn-commit.3.tmp'

>From the apache2 error log:
[Tue Sep 05 17:15:48 2006] [error] [client 209.11.29.nnn]
(104)Connection reset by peer: Could not get next bucket brigade  [500,

Versions in use:
libsvn0/etch uptodate 1.3.2-5+b1
subversion/etch uptodate 1.3.2-5+b1
python-subversion/etch uptodate 1.3.2-5+b1
libapache2-svn/etch uptodate 1.3.2-5+b1
apache2-mpm-prefork/etch uptodate 2.0.55-4.1
apache2-prefork-dev/etch uptodate 2.0.55-4.1
apache2-common/etch uptodate 2.0.55-4.1
apache2-utils/etch uptodate 2.0.55-4.1
libapache2-mod-python/etch uptodate 3.2.10-1
libapr0/etch uptodate 2.0.55-4.1
libapr0-dev/etch uptodate 2.0.55-4.1
libneon25/etch uptodate 0.25.5.dfsg-6

That's everything I can think to include, am happy to supply any
additional info needed, including files that svn is getting stuck on.
Import of same files works fine under stable packages.

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