> I cannot access the help from the GnoTime interface.
> Steps to reproduce:
> $ gnotime
> Click 'Help' button in the interface.
> In firefox you get:
> urL:file://///usr/share/gnome/help/gnotime/C/gnotime.xml
> XML Parsing Error: undefined entity
> Location: file://///usr/share/gnome/help/gnotime/C/gnotime.xml
> Line Number 344, Column 20:                   — New Project
> -------------------^

Firefox isn't expected to load the Help, it needs to be loaded in Yelp
(via scrollkeeper).

> I/O warning : failed to load external entity 
> "/home/mathieu/.gnome2/yelp-bookmarks.xbel"

You may find that deleting this yelp file will solve your problem.
Alternatively, try loading yelp directly and seeing if the bookmarks are


Neil Williams

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