On Thu, Sep 07, 2006 at 12:31:28PM +0200, Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:
> Daniel Stone wrote:
> > Er, could dead_horn and dead_ognek sequences not just be added
> > to en_US? 
> Of course they could. But that would be perpetuating a kludge.
> dead_horn and dead_ogonek were chosen by the original Greek
> designer *) because they do not occur in the Greek language, so he
> thought they were "unused" and made them do double duty as
> breathing signs. The "real" dead_horn and dead_ogonek are
> completely different -- they are accents below the letters, not
> above, like the breathing signs are. Apparently he was not aware
> that the keysyms starting with U are by default valid keysyms in
> xkb, nor of the fact that the true breathings signs had already
> been defined in Unicode:

Actually, at the time the Greek support was written, that wasn't true.

> U+0313 COMBINING COMMA ABOVE, Greek psili, smooth breathing mark
> U+0314 COMBINING REVERSED COMMA ABOVE, Greek dasia, rough
>        breathing mark
> Apparently, the creators of the Greek polytonic xkb file and of
> the international Compose file worked independently of one
> another. It is time to put it right.
> *) See
> http://www.mail-archive.com/linux-utf8@nl.linux.org/msg05200.html
> (near the end of the message):
>    When I made an initial try at a polytonic Greek keyboard, I
>    couldn't find a dead_comma_above and a
>    dead_reversed_comma_above, so I just (ab)used the first two
>    keysyms that weren't otherwise meaningful on a Greek keyboard.
>    Subsequent updates to the Greek keyboard layout and Compose
>    files kept this (perhaps not strictly correct) arrangement.

Okay, thanks for your analysis and pointing out that I was wrong. :)
Your suggested fix seems fine to me.


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